The most unfortunate fact about the education system in our country is the fact that schools are required to keep bad burnt out teachers with “10 year”. The government does not funnel enough money into the school systems causing teacher to have an unfortunately low salary. Due to this fact, great teachers such as Mr. Korling are under paid and over worked.
I first must point-out that in the last case the painting crew explained that the stencil was merely painted upside-down, a reasonable excuse as mistakes do happen; we are, after all, only human. The first case might have just been a mindless, and quite careless, mistake (a result of working long shifts in a day can cause this effect), and the second case (the "pubic" schools) was just plain bad spelling, especially as it was proofread four times by different people. For all I know, it could be a pure coinsidence or these people got a por education. I suspect the latter.
It is sad how careless our nation is about spelling and grammar. In some cases, as Tyler stated, it could be a mistake from a hard days work, but how 4 people could check the spelling and pass over the word "pubic" when it was meant to say "public" is just wrong. Spelling changes the whole word and meaning to an entirely different concept.
I, for one, find the mediocrity and inferiority in the quality of most American schools unfortunate, considering that, while we as Americans study abroad, many people from other countries would rather stay in their homeland to get a better education. The fact that people believe "our education like, such as South Africa and uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as and I believe that we should, our education over here! In the U.S." Ok, I will not put you through any more of that misery, but if that quote from Miss Teen U.S. South Carolina 2007 and the "SHCOOL" incident are any indication of our state of education, we should not be proud! Thanks to some dedicated teachers and principals like Mr. Korling and Mr. Kling :), there are a few good SCHOOLS in America. Hopefully, the next generations of education will raise the bar on the standards of knowledge, as WSCA has done.
The fact is that most people are unmotivated or fail to grasp the importance of education. Most public schools allow students to barely slide by in easy classes and not challenging them. Those students who never cared in high school then go on to become Mcdonald supervisors and construction workers who then misspell crossing signs or whatever its called. It's because very few people take time to reach out to each person, simply labeling them as lazy and saying it's their own fault. IT is in a way but that persons life could be dramatically changed if people forced kids to start caring.
I honestly think that this is hilarious! What really cracks me up about it though is that the road looks pretty old so, it must have been there for quite some time and people are just now noticing. That's funny. I think that they may have done that on purpose though, because it's all over the signs as well. It doesn't really seem like people can make that many mistakes on a town or city.
To be honest it is quite sad at what state our country is in at this moment. I mean how can you make such a huge mistake like "pubic" or "shcool"? How hard can it be to use spell check when your unsure of a word? You would've thought that the people would check or double check to verify if they spelled it correctly(but I guess not). Now to go on a more serious note I feel that this is a poor representation of our nation. We are a super power not some empty-headed buffoon who picks it's butt for a living. To me spelling is very important because it for one shows that you know your basic education(emphasis on BASIC!!!)and second how can someone respect you if you can't behave or act in an intelligent manor(or a supplement to that would be to at least spell correctly, MY GOSH).
We must look past the irony of the situation and the fact that it was probably nothing more than a simple mistake in order to see this as what it symbolizes, the decline of education in America. In California we spend five times as much on inmates as we do on students. If four people are able to mistake "pubic" for "public" then we have may have a serious problem brewing in America's education and it will probably boil over within my lifetime.
I think that this is both a concern of spelling ability and lack of focus put into permanent projects. Misspelling simple words such as "school" and "public" should be common knowledge for American citizens given about ten years of schooling. It is concerning that after that time mistakes like this can still be made. In addition, it shows that greater thought should be put into things that last. Simple mistakes such as an upside down stencil may cause lasting effects, and this can happen in other projects as well such as construction or even teaching. Greater care should be put into double-checking lasting projects to make sure they don't cause flaws to remain.
We are only human and make mistakes, but there is no excuse to misspell "schooling" or "public schools" on billboards and signs in public. These are some small mistakes that can really lead up to other countries talking about our country being so uneducated. But I don't think this was "uneducated". These are workers who made a careless mistake.I understand certain schools in our country not having the money to provide a good education for our students, but what I think has been more of an emerging problem every year is our laziness. What is even worse is that I doubt many people even picked up on this and pointed it out. We just don't care enough and this is a bad boat to sink in. Big mistakes always start off as a series of small mistakes. It is scary to see what our country could be doing five or ten years or now, seeing what has been happening. This needs to stop.
fI personally think that this was just a mistake and blown out of proportion. My feeling is that this mistake does not represent the school, but the construction company that painted the sign in the first place. And that it is just a misunderstanding just as it would be if they misspelled Stop at a Stop Sign. I think its just a big deal because it stands out to them because they had misspelled school on a school crosswalk.
I find that the many of the excuses expressed in these articles and videos were anything but understandable. I mean, "[...]they accidentally painted the letters with the stencil upside down." is obviously just a matter of someone not paying enough attention, or potentially not even caring. Take the billboard that was misspelled in Indiana for instance. How is it possible that it was supposedly "proofread" by four different people, and each time it just so happened to be missed? Seeing the carelessness that many people acquire over time(take about half of the comments on YouTube as an example of just how widespread it has become) is truly shocking and just plain ignorant. Which brings me to another point. The amount of money that it costs to re-do something that could have easily been avoided in the first place is one of the reasons why our economy is currently not at its best,(the news reporter in one video never even mentioned the specific price of the reconstruction site). Another plausible cause of this repeated mistake across the country may also be immigrants(I do not think that this repetition is entirely,though perhaps partially, the result of a poor school system)still learning the language, therefore making frequent mistakes, but I still find it hard to believe that after all these years and all of the "proofreaders" reviewing this, it apparently continues to be an issue.
Wow that's really sad how school was spelled wrong. Maybe whoever painted on the road was tired or in a rush but still school should be easy to spell. Just spelling the word incorrectly on accident just turns the word to something different. Really spelling a word wrong here in the United States and compared to underdeveloped countries we should be able to spell because of our education we learn in school. But maybe I'm wrong about this person who spelled wrong and the person just made a mistake on accident.
This is a clear indicator that money is being spent in the wrong areas in this country. If grown adults can't spell the word school,what does that mean for this next generation? Our school puts so much emphasis on academics it makes this hard for me to believe. It also shows that there is a lack of pride in work, obviously if the people who did this cared anything about the quality of the work they did, they would not have let such a blatant mistake happen like it did. Though in the end this isn't a huge deal,it should serve as a warning of what could happen if something isn't done about improving the education system soon.
Well I am definately not going to be the one to point the finger at those you make a fool out of themselves because of a spelling mistake. I have done it and so has everyone else in the world. I also do feel that the American language is forever changing. That is due to texting, and quick spelling of words to get a point across faster. These mistakes shown on the clip could be due to a poor education but I highly doubt that. Yes, to agree with Andie it is sad how careless our nation has continually shown to be. But our nation is not just careless with our spelling but just in the way that we go about life. Alot of people take the education, materials, and pleasures that we have for granted.
Personally I feel spelling is not overlie important in the world we live in, it is in such a sad state that this is the least of our concerns. Now to suppourt my opinion on this subject, what is language? It is utilised to expres ones thoughts thus the only important aspect of language is that it can be undrstood as long as we right something and the person knows what we are talking about then does it matter if it is spelled correctly? Not realy the purpose of language is not to be constantly criticked in its improper use but simply for comunication what does it matter if the sign is spelled “shcool” or “school” you know what its intention is. Spelling is what me make of it, but to me personaly it does not matter in the least wether you can spell correctly or not, this is not English class this is the reel world where it is of little consern. English is already overcomplex with so many little rules for silent leters and other rules that are folowed except when their not, why not just make it way simpler and just not care about the spelling none of us are dictionaries.
I thinc tat spalleing swould bwe illlweagal in awll the stats of da USA, like, because, such as the Iraq, the Iran…for the children. But seriously we can’t disregard the American public education system, regardless of whether or not this certain circumstance was caused by lack of education. check out this video.
the state our countries educational system is in is just plain sad. Seriously how do four proof reader's miss "pubic" on a billboard. I think this points to the undeniable fact that education is on the decline in america and am sad to know that i will be included in a generation that will include people like this.
To see that 4 adults could not spell the word public shows just how bad the educational system has become over the years. To think that I have been told to watch out for spelling mistakes by my parents and teachers only to find out that we have adults just like them misspelling words like public or school is just sad. You’d think that the people having to make these words would be smart enough and careful enough to spell them so they don’t have to spend the money to re-do it.
Well...first of all I think someone needs to go back to "SCOHOL!" That, my friend, is indeed shameful. America boasts to other countries around the world of the high quality of education it offers to its citizens and still the actual citizens cannot even spell a simple word such as "school" or "public." It is such a shame to find such mistakes within our society. Apparently, the evidence also proves that the quality of the work done for the public does not matter. The inability to spell is a great concern. All the more an American should know how to spell English words especially when English is his/her first language. Sometimes it just doesn't make sense and well, maybe it doesn't because they're not using their common sense. It is unfortunate that issues like this can still happen. I guess you can blame it on the education system of the country, or the teacher, or whatever excuse you have to offer, but being able to know how to spell is your responsibility. You honestly don't have to be the best speller, you just have to be aware. Next time, try sounding it out in your head. I hear that really helps. ;D
Krizelle DeGuzman Period 6 When I heard about this, the first thing that came to mind was just how ridiculous it was to spell "school" wrong. It was even more unfortunate because it was in front of a school and has been there since 2010. But it is just a mistake and it isn't the school who spelled "school" wrong anyways. It was the workers and it's all just very sad that no one really cares much about spelling anymore.
I feel like all these spelling errors have been over exaggerated. People are not like technology and computers. We do not get everything right the first time and I think that these are just simple errors. It has nothing to do with schools or the teachers. They were simple words that were misspelled and I believe someone neglected to double check the work. People need to slow down and look over things before jumping to conclusions.
I find this to actually be very disappointing that such a simple mistake was made, and how no one in their right mind even chose to analyze or even spell check before making this project permanent. I'd like to point out that adults are the ones who are supposedly supposed to be the ones who know everything and nag at us if we are to spell something wrong. Yet on the other hand, it was just a simple mistake and we can't, or shouldn't, point fingers in this situation, because as you can’t tell no one can spell perfectly. The fact that people were to notice the mistake even before the contractors did is what actually disappoints me the most, but hey at least they're fixing their mistakes and acting like this never happened (probably would be a little hard to forget this).
It is a wake-up call for the U.S. when a school sign is incorrectly spelled. Unfortunately, the cause may be teachers are too under paid and there are not enough funds to give students the correct education they need. My question is, how long did it take for some one to realize the word "scohol" was spelled wrong and who was it that discovered this "typo (most likely a child on their way to scohol)?"
If the misspelling of "school" is in front of a school where children are walking by, the city should probably fix it. It is embarrassing to see something that is so easily fixed remain unfixed. Honestly, it does not take significant amounts of money to teach a child or an adult how to spell. Whether or not this misspelling reflects bad teachers or why more money needs to be put into education doesn't change the fact that the quality of work done on the road is terrible. Obviously this misspelling is bad business and it is in the road company's (or whoever makes road signs) best interest to find better workers who can do simple task such as spelling correctly or else they loose business. In addition to this, it is in an employee's best interest to at least be educated enough to be competitive or else their job or position is threatened by somebody who can do it much better.
People say "We are only human" and I indeed do accept that we are and for some strange and odd reason we are extremely prone to mistakes, but a mistake of this magnitude? Spelling 'school' with huge stencils the size of human beings isn't just merely a mistake. I mean people could have spotted the mistake halfway down the road. It basically was either the people who were doing it didn't care, didn't have an education (or a completed one) or they were plain careless. These types of mistakes cause us to waste even more money to fix the mistake and just make us look plain stupid. Even though the mistake was fixed you could tell that something went wrong. Probably people who don't complete high school they don't get the complete knowledge that they need, then they probably go into a job that doesn't require spelling. There are people dying to come to America to get better life from the education that they can receive, meanwhile some of our own Americans don't care for their education. From some of my own personal experience I know a person who didn't even go to high school and barely passed 8th grade and doesn't know how to spell, heck he doesn't know any thing spelling and grammar related. He know is a truck driver and from what I know that job requires little to no spelling at all. Whenever he posts anything on Facebook it doesn't even make sense and half the words are spelled phonetically and not correctly. As for the signs shouldn't they have been spell checked? I mean before I even print something I make sure it is triple-quadruple checked otherwise I would have to face the wrath of my mom yelling at me for wasting ink. So basically I think mainly all these misspellings happens because of lack of education within our country.
I think that it was an honest mistake. Anyone could have done it. Were not perfect. We make mistakes. I do agree that the generation we live in today is becoming more careless with spelling, due to technology and lack of motivation to care nowadays, so most people abbreviate words which becomes a habit. Yes, it is sad & actually kinda funny that this mistake was right in front of a school. It just goes to show some people need to be more careful when they spell!
After watching the video, I believe that laziness is the key reason to why this error was made. Obviously, the construction company did not complete this project thoroughly due to lack of attention to detail. The company should be embarrassed for displaying such ignorance. Hopefully, others can learn from this mistake so that history will not repeat itself. I’m not sure if education is at all to blame for this spelling oversight; I do believe, however, that with good education, responsibility will follow…
Cassel and Zack V, you guys are too much! I love it...Mark Twain is laughing heartily over your comments - okay, well, he's not really because he has been dead so long that even his dust has gone to dust, but you get the point.
I would like to believe that the construction workers of Indiana did know how to spell "school” and were just being careless, but the fact that the sign was proofread by four people and the error was still not seen worries me greatly. However, I think that case represents a small percentage (and I mean SMALL, like PINCHSIZE small) of construction workers that did not know how to spell the word “school.” The article shows several of the same mistakes but the rest of the mistakes were just employees being lazy and careless. I think it is a bit dramatic to blame simple spelling errors (excluding the Indiana situation) like that on our state of education. A much bigger concern is not America’s sad state of education but rather the carelessness and lack of pride in people’s work these days.
As unfortunate and amusing as it is, people are all entitled to mistakes. Spelling errors are rather common and everyone makes them. However, these companies had the misspelled signs up for a long amount of time and if they couldn't even notice their mistake, right after they finished, then I believe people should be critical because they were so completely oblivious to their mistakes and not because of the spelling error. There are, or rather should be, people with the specific job to check for errors in the design and if four people could not notice the error, then the company needs to consider reevaluating what and how much they pay their employees for. Also, I'd like to point out that the direct relevance the education system has to these incidents is that the signs were for a school location(s) and these mistakes do not prove how "corrupt and crappy" it is, only that the construction workers and those on the design team assigned to check for errors wouldn't notice something, if it slapped them in the face. They are simply that oblivious. teh skewl sistehm iz not evilz.
I am really hoping that the problem there was not that they simply did not know how to spell and instead that it was just that they were being careless. Sadly, either way, it shows how poorly those people tried in school and just how careless they can get over a simple yet important sign. I thought it was pretty hilarious at first but now it is just pathetic to think that no one noticed the mistake. But when someone did, they never said anything until oh, I don’t know, years later? Also, the ones who actually noticed the mistake first were probably students and that makes it sad to think that adults are the ones telling them to try harder. People do make mistakes but in this case, those people need to try harder. It is disappointing.
I Doughn't thenck spullen efers matored. Just kidding! I think that this is most ironic because of its location. It's at a school! Which is supposed a be a place of learning. Another crazy fact about this is how common the words are, "school" is not a big word! The one thing that is upsetting however is the lack of care and funding for CA schools. Although this might not be the reason for the mistake, however it shows a lack of care or funding. Another thing that is surprising and also ironic is that it wasn't found until a month later. All it would have taken for the workers to fix while they were there was a third grader to come out and say that it is spelled wrong. However you and I should be thankful that it wasn't spelled "ESCUELA."
If you want to see a funny link on spelling go to:
I believe that the misspelling of "school" outside of a learning institution, while ironic, does not reflect poorly on learning institutions themselves. It just shows human error. With the thousands of school signs that are painted in every city, especially large ones like New York City, of course mistakes are bound to be made. One would have to look very hard to find deeper meaning or correlation between the incorrect spelling of a sign in front of a school.
I think that yes it was a strange coincidence that "school" was misspelled in front of a school, but that still has no reflection on the school itself. The construction workers are the ones that paved the road and painted the sign. The only reason it has become so "famous" is because it was misspelled on a street in front of a building where we learn how to spell.
I think it is a mere coincidence that school and public were misspelled and that the education in this country is so bad. The crews who misspelled them were just careless and probably don’t know how to use spellcheck. The real problem this shows is how lazy and careless people have gotten at work. I would insult the people responsible for this and call them stupid for misspelling the words but I make spelling mistakes a lot and sometimes on purpose to annoy certain friends of mine, actually just one friend of mine because I find her frustration entertaining.
Many Americans that graduate from high school think that it’s enough but the people that make these mistakes are often high school drop outs. This is a perfect example of what poor teaching, low standards of education and people that have had a bad day make. This is why public schools should start making graduation a mid-point and to emphasize going to college. Hopefully the people that made the mistakes should learn to go back to school or in the paint crew’s situation scohol. Also a great place to view other spelling fails is
that's so ironic to misspell "school" at a school when they teach you about responsibly and even grammar... obviously the education system is declining in America and i think someone needs to go back to 2nd grade spelling and retake a class or two, come on man.
In my perspective this has nothing to do with how our education systems, but with a much bigger issue laziness. If these workers would have taking the time and effort in doing their project this whole situation would have been avoided and we would not be writting this blogg. People need to put effort in what they do, if not things could be blown way out of proportion like so.
This ironic twist of fate, or perhaps simple stupidity, while not reflecting on the schools in question, reflects poorly on the American educational system as a whole. Those unfortunate adults who let this flub slip through were probably public school students in America at one point, which begs the question, "Is America failing its most vital generations?" I know it's a cliche, but children are the future and in the midst of these rough economic times free education is the only option for a majority of Americans. So if the next Steve Jobs is lost in the shuffle of the public school system, then how is America ever going to get back to the glory days of being the undeniable world leader in technology and education? All in all, I believe the blame can be placed on low funding and poor legislation that enables less than ideal teachers to remain in their posts, while stellar ones go unrecognized (monetarily of course, we all recognize your brilliance Mr. K!) While the mistakes on the mentioned signs may be just a funny anecdote, the moral they hold is far more serious.
I think the school should have kept the misspelling their as reminder to the student to study hard or else they can end up misspelling something as simple school. It will infuse the idea that if you slack you can run risk of embarrassing your self on the national stage. I also think the shcool should keep it because it looks pretty cool because no other school in our nation has that. Spelling is overrated and thats why we have spell check. Why not have machines do all the work man does because that always turn out well. Instead of having a nation that can spell why dont we devote all the time used for spelling towards lets say rocket building. What sounds cooler a nation that spell or a nation that can build awesome looking rockets that you can put cool looking stickers on them. Spellin should left to the robots because why waste our time on something that has no application to real life.
Cammie Gelbuda Period 4 I believe that school, does have a part on people's life, because we have to know to spell, because it maybe in our life, and also in our jobs. When those people spelt the word wrong it might not only be the school but it could be the people being lazy not wanting to pay attention. So in my point of view it all on the kids/adults because you have to want to learn in order to learn.
I find it very ironic that the word "school" was misspelled in front of a school. Although, it does not reflect that particular school, it does represent a current national problem. Education in America is declining partly due to the current economy and budget cuts. However, it is also due to the fact that, like Greg mentioned above, computers now have spell check and lots of other cool technological stuff which means that once you graduate from elementary school and no longer have spelling tests, you start to rely more and more on computers and less on what you actually know.
I think that particular common spelling mistakes can be hysterical!! After all,on our very own school spirit wall, didn't someone spell "sophomores" incorrectly?? Many of these mistakes are accidents, but our educational systems in the U.S., and everywhere like such as (sorry, couldn't resist!), would certainly benefit from significant reformation. But meanwhile, we are still able to enjoy innocent mistakes like this:
I Don't think that this spelling mistake could have been more blown out of porportion. I mean, just writing the first 5 words in this paragraph, I had to backspace and re type a word. I don't think that public schools have anything to do with the fact that a construction worker, or two made a spelling mistake on a crosswalk. I meen we al maek misteaks rite?
Cammie Gelbuda Mr.Korling Period 4 February 8, 2012
To finish to what I was saying is many people can blame the teachers, schools, and anyone else they want to blame but when matters come into peoples hands, it's not the people fault it's always someone elses and also people need to know that when you make a mistake its you no one else, and you need to pay attention in class in order to spell and learn all the things that the teachers teach you. So in conclusion even though those people who spelt "School" wrong its there falut because they should of been paying attention in class, when they were being taught. Thanks
I believe that the American public education system is mostly a disaster, but I don't think citing this particular mistake proves it. First of all, it was supposedly a mistake due to the fact the H and O stencils used to paint the letters are the same, and second, that spelling does not always reflect intelligence or quality of education. For example, even a very well educated person if dyslexic could make this error. On the other hand, there are people like me who are really bad spellers but are saved by red squiggly lines. In conclusion, mistakes happen, there is no need for nerdrage.
America's education system is held at very high standards. By this picture, however, it shows the American people that some people don't care and/or are ignorant of the very principles of English. This is very common, and still needs to be upheld, but there will always be mistakes. Hopefully, the new generations will take this example, and want to change it.
This unfortunate event that occurred at the school not only shows that Americas educational system is failing this conjecture is backed with scathing statistics that say that American students rank 25th out of 30 in proficiency compared to 30 other industrialized countries in the world. Also 80% of 8th graders fail to score proficient on reading test. This alarming because at one point the US had the best educational system on the planet. There several possible causes to why our educational system is failing the youth and its definitely not because kids are stupider these days. Kids are less motivated and this could be because prevalence of the multimedia in these students lives. Electronic media has engulfed the lives of almost every American youth and this could be partly why kids do poorly in school because they distracted constantly by media and this drains their study time. The message that are being conveyed in these forms of media could possibly have negative connotations that discourages education and promote risky behavior that prevents the educational process. The system itself America self is corrupt and maybe its not fully the students fault. In a matter of three years a teacher can receive tenure and then it is virtually impossible to fire them even in cases of extreme incompetence or misconduct. The root of educational problems in our nation are to be blamed on the teachers unions that enable incompetent teachers to squander our kids futures away. These unions do whats best for the teachers and could careless about the wellbeing of the students. Our educational system is so wayward that teachers that abuse children surprisingly are not fired upon discovering their misconduct but rather they are sent to a rubber room where they rot for months and possibly years waiting for their case to be heard. These insubordinate teachers are being paid by the government to do absolutely nothing except wait for their case to be heard. These kinds of policies waste the governments money that could be spent on things to better the students education rather than wasting it on teacher who is awaiting their misconduct case heard. These are the proximate causes of why educational system is failing.
Hmmm, sounds quite sad too me.... The fact that schools do this sometimes frustrates me, and yes, even though that they may have not made the sign, they should have noticed the mistake when the sign was public immediately and taken down, preferably before even the sign is put up.... That is what frustrates me (plus, the people that made the sign are being payed to do it, why are they taking it so stupidly, when they might be losing customers).
Tristan Mauricio Period 6 English 2/14/12 Spelling is definitely important even though it’s a thing we take for granted but without it we’d be very confused and unable to understand most things let alone each other. Spelling is an important factor of our life because it shows how intelligent we are. If we had a president that couldn’t spell or even read our country would be in a terrible state and we probably wouldn’t get very far. If we had a contractor that cannot spell and read we wouldn’t have signs that would point us in the right direction. If we didn’t have spelling we wouldn’t be where we are today and it just shows how important education is.
I'm surprised that they didn't notice until they were done. I don't really think it's a big deal, but still its kind of dumb. Due to yhe many factors that could've caused the construction workers to make that mistake, you can't really blame the declining educational system for this specific mistake. The other stuff in the video, however, you can blame on the educational system.
Personally, I think the incompetence of some people is sad. Now, I don't know if those contractors who made those misspelled words noticed their mistakes and were just to lazy to fix it, or didn't want to spend the money to fix it and hope that nobody noticed. They might have just not noticed it themselves but Either way, how a couple of grown men, way out of their school days made elementary spelling mistakes confounds me. But, unfortunately, it did happen and it does reflect the way us Americans find the importance of spelling in peoples lives. Nowadays, if you don't know how to spell something, you just fire up google and it will tell you how to spell said word. I believe that becuase of this technology, we take for granted the importance of just knowing how to spell. ~ just in case it doesn't show up as me... Quinn wrote this ^
Misspelling these simple words is very much embarrassing, not only to the cities in which these misspellings took place, but to America as well. Two of the misspellings were at schools and the third was on a billboard about them; this is what's ironic about the situation because school is the place where people get an EDUCATION, and during that process of getting one they learn how to READ and SPELL. What was interesting to me was that the public school billboard was spell checked by four different people, and they couldn't find the error. For elementary school, this kind of misspelling can have an influence on a student who has trouble with spelling, especially with words like "school", which can be hard to sound out and then spell for a student. Very concerning that adults can make a mistake like this one.
First of all, not everyone can spell perfect. We are only humans, and us "perfect human beings" are not perfect, we make mistakes. But this could of happen for a reason, to put it out there to know that spelling does matter and that even though they spelled it wrong, was meant as a mistake or to let everyone know that you need to continue practicing on your spelling/grammer.
I Think it's kinda embarrassing because school is a very easy word to spell out, but some people makes mistakes all the time. But you will always need to know your grammer in life so don't give UP.
Spelling matters because it shows intelligence, and the fact that outside a school the word school was spelled wrong is unacceptable. But at the same time mistakes happen, and maybe the word school after you have been out of school for a while is a word that you might forget to spell. I do not believe that this issue is directly a reflection of the schools teaching and/or money problems because these mistakes were made by adults, no one in our generation. This spelling issue lies with the previous generation and how they did not pay attention or that they had be taught poorly.
It is a rather unfortunate mistake for the company and contractors who originally misspelled the word because they had to go back and correct it, and their name was attached to the incident. In view of this, their business could possibly suffer, though it is unlikely that it would very drastically. This specific mistake is exaggerated because of the coincidence of the fact that the word “school” was misspelled right outside of a school. Hopefully the incident error acted as a reminder to the students of the importance of spelling, or at least the importance of the use of spell check and common sense. However, I don’t think the incident should be taken too seriously, because like one of the workers in the interview stated: everybody makes mistakes.
I think it is sad how our nation doesn't take spelling that seriously anymore. Some people just need to learn, as a child, that misspelling words purposefully is not cool nor is it ever acceptable. It's almost embarrassing that our generation just doesn't care, and the fact that some people think it's "cool" just makes it more horrifying. I do think the situation was blown way out of proportion, some times people make mistakes and just don't realize it. But when it becomes a reoccurring issue, is when problems start. Yes, it was ironic that "school" was misspelled right outside of a school, but hopefully it was just a reminding that smelling.. er, spelling... matters.
I think that this whole situation is being a little over done; people make mistakes at work all the time! It is a natural part of human nature. The part I don’t like is that whoever was responsible for this job simply left it for the public to see. That just shows the level of unprofessionalism of some of our public workers. To leave it misspelled like that in front of a school is simply embarrassing for the teachers and students of the schools. The billboard is a completely different story, to be proofread by four different people and still not caught is simply inexcusable. It’s a billboard for public education which just makes it so much worse. Somebody most defiantly needs to be fired. I think if one owns a high school diploma spelling public should be a breeze, not a public event.
I was born and raised in Gridley, California. Earned a BA in English and History at Chico State, an MA in English Literature at Bakersfield State, and have taught overseas as well as throughout California.
The most unfortunate fact about the education system in our country is the fact that schools are required to keep bad burnt out teachers with “10 year”. The government does not funnel enough money into the school systems causing teacher to have an unfortunately low salary. Due to this fact, great teachers such as Mr. Korling are under paid and over worked.
I first must point-out that in the last case the painting crew explained that the stencil was merely painted upside-down, a reasonable excuse as mistakes do happen; we are, after all, only human. The first case might have just been a mindless, and quite careless, mistake (a result of working long shifts in a day can cause this effect), and the second case (the "pubic" schools) was just plain bad spelling, especially as it was proofread four times by different people. For all I know, it could be a pure coinsidence or these people got a por education. I suspect the latter.
Weston, the term is "tenure" and I appreciate the sentiments expressed.
Tyler, I hope it is not "coinsidence" but rather coincidence and that it was poor rather than "por."
It is sad how careless our nation is about spelling and grammar. In some cases, as Tyler stated, it could be a mistake from a hard days work, but how 4 people could check the spelling and pass over the word "pubic" when it was meant to say "public" is just wrong. Spelling changes the whole word and meaning to an entirely different concept.
Amanda Jerd
Period 6
I, for one, find the mediocrity and inferiority in the quality of most American schools unfortunate, considering that, while we as Americans study abroad, many people from other countries would rather stay in their homeland to get a better education. The fact that people believe "our education like, such as South Africa and uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as and I believe that we should, our education over here! In the U.S." Ok, I will not put you through any more of that misery, but if that quote from Miss Teen U.S. South Carolina 2007 and the "SHCOOL" incident are any indication of our state of education, we should not be proud! Thanks to some dedicated teachers and principals like Mr. Korling and Mr. Kling :), there are a few good SCHOOLS in America. Hopefully, the next generations of education will raise the bar on the standards of knowledge, as WSCA has done.
The fact is that most people are unmotivated or fail to grasp the importance of education. Most public schools allow students to barely slide by in easy classes and not challenging them. Those students who never cared in high school then go on to become Mcdonald supervisors and construction workers who then misspell crossing signs or whatever its called. It's because very few people take time to reach out to each person, simply labeling them as lazy and saying it's their own fault. IT is in a way but that persons life could be dramatically changed if people forced kids to start caring.
I honestly think that this is hilarious! What really cracks me up about it though is that the road looks pretty old so, it must have been there for quite some time and people are just now noticing. That's funny. I think that they may have done that on purpose though, because it's all over the signs as well. It doesn't really seem like people can make that many mistakes on a town or city.
I also think that whoever made the signs and the street were either going too fast to notice or were not properly edumacated.
To be honest it is quite sad at what state our country is in at this moment. I mean how can you make such a huge mistake like "pubic" or "shcool"? How hard can it be to use spell check when your unsure of a word? You would've thought that the people would check or double check to verify if they spelled it correctly(but I guess not). Now to go on a more serious note I feel that this is a poor representation of our nation. We are a super power not some empty-headed buffoon who picks it's butt for a living. To me spelling is very important because it for one shows that you know your basic education(emphasis on BASIC!!!)and second how can someone respect you if you can't behave or act in an intelligent manor(or a supplement to that would be to at least spell correctly, MY GOSH).
We must look past the irony of the situation and the fact that it was probably nothing more than a simple mistake in order to see this as what it symbolizes, the decline of education in America. In California we spend five times as much on inmates as we do on students. If four people are able to mistake "pubic" for "public" then we have may have a serious problem brewing in America's education and it will probably boil over within my lifetime.
I think that this is both a concern of spelling ability and lack of focus put into permanent projects. Misspelling simple words such as "school" and "public" should be common knowledge for American citizens given about ten years of schooling. It is concerning that after that time mistakes like this can still be made. In addition, it shows that greater thought should be put into things that last. Simple mistakes such as an upside down stencil may cause lasting effects, and this can happen in other projects as well such as construction or even teaching. Greater care should be put into double-checking lasting projects to make sure they don't cause flaws to remain.
We are only human and make mistakes, but there is no excuse to misspell "schooling" or "public schools" on billboards and signs in public. These are some small mistakes that can really lead up to other countries talking about our country being so uneducated. But I don't think this was "uneducated". These are workers who made a careless mistake.I understand certain schools in our country not having the money to provide a good education for our students, but what I think has been more of an emerging problem every year is our laziness. What is even worse is that I doubt many people even picked up on this and pointed it out. We just don't care enough and this is a bad boat to sink in. Big mistakes always start off as a series of small mistakes. It is scary to see what our country could be doing five or ten years or now, seeing what has been happening. This needs to stop.
fI personally think that this was just a mistake and blown out of proportion. My feeling is that this mistake does not represent the school, but the construction company that painted the sign in the first place. And that it is just a misunderstanding just as it would be if they misspelled Stop at a Stop Sign. I think its just a big deal because it stands out to them because they had misspelled school on a school crosswalk.
I find that the many of the excuses expressed in these articles and videos were anything but understandable. I mean, "[...]they accidentally painted the letters with the stencil upside down." is obviously just a matter of someone not paying enough attention, or potentially not even caring. Take the billboard that was misspelled in Indiana for instance. How is it possible that it was supposedly "proofread" by four different people, and each time it just so happened to be missed? Seeing the carelessness that many people acquire over time(take about half of the comments on YouTube as an example of just how widespread it has become) is truly shocking and just plain ignorant. Which brings me to another point. The amount of money that it costs to re-do something that could have easily been avoided in the first place is one of the reasons why our economy is currently not at its best,(the news reporter in one video never even mentioned the specific price of the reconstruction site). Another plausible cause of this repeated mistake across the country may also be immigrants(I do not think that this repetition is entirely,though perhaps partially, the result of a poor school system)still learning the language, therefore making frequent mistakes, but I still find it hard to believe that after all these years and all of the "proofreaders" reviewing this, it apparently continues to be an issue.
Wow that's really sad how school was spelled wrong. Maybe whoever painted on the road was tired or in a rush but still school should be easy to spell. Just spelling the word incorrectly on accident just turns the word to something different. Really spelling a word wrong here in the United States and compared to underdeveloped countries we should be able to spell because of our education we learn in school. But maybe I'm wrong about this person who spelled wrong and the person just made a mistake on accident.
This is a clear indicator that money is being spent in the wrong areas in this country. If grown adults can't spell the word school,what does that mean for this next generation? Our school puts so much emphasis on academics it makes this hard for me to believe. It also shows that there is a lack of pride in work, obviously if the people who did this cared anything about the quality of the work they did, they would not have let such a blatant mistake happen like it did. Though in the end this isn't a huge deal,it should serve as a warning of what could happen if something isn't done about improving the education system soon.
I think that the fact that people can't spell "school" is sad. It definitely shows how the importance of education has become in America.
Well I am definately not going to be the one to point the finger at those you make a fool out of themselves because of a spelling mistake. I have done it and so has everyone else in the world. I also do feel that the American language is forever changing. That is due to texting, and quick spelling of words to get a point across faster. These mistakes shown on the clip could be due to a poor education but I highly doubt that. Yes, to agree with Andie it is sad how careless our nation has continually shown to be. But our nation is not just careless with our spelling but just in the way that we go about life. Alot of people take the education, materials, and pleasures that we have for granted.
Personally I feel spelling is not overlie important in the world we live in, it is in such a sad state that this is the least of our concerns. Now to suppourt my opinion on this subject, what is language? It is utilised to expres ones thoughts thus the only important aspect of language is that it can be undrstood
as long as we right something and the person knows what we are talking about then does it matter if it is spelled correctly? Not realy the purpose of language is not to be constantly criticked in its improper use but simply for comunication what does it matter if the sign is spelled “shcool” or “school” you know what its intention is. Spelling is what me make of it, but to me personaly it does not matter in the least wether you can spell correctly or not, this is not English class this is the reel world where it is of little consern. English is already overcomplex with so many little rules for silent leters and other rules that are folowed except when their not, why not just make it way simpler and just not care about the spelling none of us are dictionaries.
Forgive me Mr. Korling I couldn't resist
I thinc tat spalleing swould bwe illlweagal in awll the stats of da USA, like, because, such as the Iraq, the Iran…for the children. But seriously we can’t disregard the American public education system, regardless of whether or not this certain circumstance was caused by lack of education. check out this video.
the state our countries educational system is in is just plain sad. Seriously how do four proof reader's miss "pubic" on a billboard. I think this points to the undeniable fact that education is on the decline in america and am sad to know that i will be included in a generation that will include people like this.
To see that 4 adults could not spell the word public shows just how bad the educational system has become over the years. To think that I have been told to watch out for spelling mistakes by my parents and teachers only to find out that we have adults just like them misspelling words like public or school is just sad. You’d think that the people having to make these words would be smart enough and careful enough to spell them so they don’t have to spend the money to re-do it.
Well...first of all I think someone needs to go back to "SCOHOL!" That, my friend, is indeed shameful. America boasts to other countries around the world of the high quality of education it offers to its citizens and still the actual citizens cannot even spell a simple word such as "school" or "public." It is such a shame to find such mistakes within our society. Apparently, the evidence also proves that the quality of the work done for the public does not matter. The inability to spell is a great concern. All the more an American should know how to spell English words especially when English is his/her first language. Sometimes it just doesn't make sense and well, maybe it doesn't because they're not using their common sense. It is unfortunate that issues like this can still happen. I guess you can blame it on the education system of the country, or the teacher, or whatever excuse you have to offer, but being able to know how to spell is your responsibility. You honestly don't have to be the best speller, you just have to be aware. Next time, try sounding it out in your head. I hear that really helps. ;D
Krizelle DeGuzman
Period 6
When I heard about this, the first thing that came to mind was just how ridiculous it was to spell "school" wrong. It was even more unfortunate because it was in front of a school and has been there since 2010. But it is just a mistake and it isn't the school who spelled "school" wrong anyways. It was the workers and it's all just very sad that no one really cares much about spelling anymore.
I feel like all these spelling errors have been over exaggerated. People are not like technology and computers. We do not get everything right the first time and I think that these are just simple errors. It has nothing to do with schools or the teachers. They were simple words that were misspelled and I believe someone neglected to double check the work. People need to slow down and look over things before jumping to conclusions.
Sonia Mendonca
Period 4
I find this to actually be very disappointing that such a simple mistake was made, and how no one in their right mind even chose to analyze or even spell check before making this project permanent. I'd like to point out that adults are the ones who are supposedly supposed to be the ones who know everything and nag at us if we are to spell something wrong. Yet on the other hand, it was just a simple mistake and we can't, or shouldn't, point fingers in this situation, because as you can’t tell no one can spell perfectly. The fact that people were to notice the mistake even before the contractors did is what actually disappoints me the most, but hey at least they're fixing their mistakes and acting like this never happened (probably would be a little hard to forget this).
It is a wake-up call for the U.S. when a school sign is incorrectly spelled. Unfortunately, the cause may be teachers are too under paid and there are not enough funds to give students the correct education they need. My question is, how long did it take for some one to realize the word "scohol" was spelled wrong and who was it that discovered this "typo (most likely a child on their way to scohol)?"
If the misspelling of "school" is in front of a school where children are walking by, the city should probably fix it. It is embarrassing to see something that is so easily fixed remain unfixed. Honestly, it does not take significant amounts of money to teach a child or an adult how to spell. Whether or not this misspelling reflects bad teachers or why more money needs to be put into education doesn't change the fact that the quality of work done on the road is terrible. Obviously this misspelling is bad business and it is in the road company's (or whoever makes road signs) best interest to find better workers who can do simple task such as spelling correctly or else they loose business. In addition to this, it is in an employee's best interest to at least be educated enough to be competitive or else their job or position is threatened by somebody who can do it much better.
Manisha Dail
Period 4
People say "We are only human" and I indeed do accept that we are and for some strange and odd reason we are extremely prone to mistakes, but a mistake of this magnitude? Spelling 'school' with huge stencils the size of human beings isn't just merely a mistake. I mean people could have spotted the mistake halfway down the road. It basically was either the people who were doing it didn't care, didn't have an education (or a completed one) or they were plain careless. These types of mistakes cause us to waste even more money to fix the mistake and just make us look plain stupid. Even though the mistake was fixed you could tell that something went wrong. Probably people who don't complete high school they don't get the complete knowledge that they need, then they probably go into a job that doesn't require spelling. There are people dying to come to America to get better life from the education that they can receive, meanwhile some of our own Americans don't care for their education. From some of my own personal experience I know a person who didn't even go to high school and barely passed 8th grade and doesn't know how to spell, heck he doesn't know any thing spelling and grammar related. He know is a truck driver and from what I know that job requires little to no spelling at all. Whenever he posts anything on Facebook it doesn't even make sense and half the words are spelled phonetically and not correctly. As for the signs shouldn't they have been spell checked? I mean before I even print something I make sure it is triple-quadruple checked otherwise I would have to face the wrath of my mom yelling at me for wasting ink. So basically I think mainly all these misspellings happens because of lack of education within our country.
I think that it was an honest mistake. Anyone could have done it. Were not perfect. We make mistakes. I do agree that the generation we live in today is becoming more careless with spelling, due to technology and lack of motivation to care nowadays, so most people abbreviate words which becomes a habit. Yes, it is sad & actually kinda funny that this mistake was right in front of a school. It just goes to show some people need to be more careful when they spell!
After watching the video, I believe that laziness is the key reason to why this error was made. Obviously, the construction company did not complete this project thoroughly due to lack of attention to detail. The company should be embarrassed for displaying such ignorance. Hopefully, others can learn from this mistake so that history will not repeat itself. I’m not sure if education is at all to blame for this spelling oversight; I do believe, however, that with good education, responsibility will follow…
Cassel and Zack V, you guys are too much! I love it...Mark Twain is laughing heartily over your comments - okay, well, he's not really because he has been dead so long that even his dust has gone to dust, but you get the point.
I would like to believe that the construction workers of Indiana did know how to spell "school” and were just being careless, but the fact that the sign was proofread by four people and the error was still not seen worries me greatly. However, I think that case represents a small percentage (and I mean SMALL, like PINCHSIZE small) of construction workers that did not know how to spell the word “school.” The article shows several of the same mistakes but the rest of the mistakes were just employees being lazy and careless. I think it is a bit dramatic to blame simple spelling errors (excluding the Indiana situation) like that on our state of education. A much bigger concern is not America’s sad state of education but rather the carelessness and lack of pride in people’s work these days.
As unfortunate and amusing as it is, people are all entitled to mistakes. Spelling errors are rather common and everyone makes them. However, these companies had the misspelled signs up for a long amount of time and if they couldn't even notice their mistake, right after they finished, then I believe people should be critical because they were so completely oblivious to their mistakes and not because of the spelling error. There are, or rather should be, people with the specific job to check for errors in the design and if four people could not notice the error, then the company needs to consider reevaluating what and how much they pay their employees for. Also, I'd like to point out that the direct relevance the education system has to these incidents is that the signs were for a school location(s) and these mistakes do not prove how "corrupt and crappy" it is, only that the construction workers and those on the design team assigned to check for errors wouldn't notice something, if it slapped them in the face. They are simply that oblivious. teh skewl sistehm iz not evilz.
I am really hoping that the problem there was not that they simply did not know how to spell and instead that it was just that they were being careless. Sadly, either way, it shows how poorly those people tried in school and just how careless they can get over a simple yet important sign. I thought it was pretty hilarious at first but now it is just pathetic to think that no one noticed the mistake. But when someone did, they never said anything until oh, I don’t know, years later? Also, the ones who actually noticed the mistake first were probably students and that makes it sad to think that adults are the ones telling them to try harder. People do make mistakes but in this case, those people need to try harder. It is disappointing.
I Doughn't thenck spullen efers matored. Just kidding! I think that this is most ironic because of its location. It's at a school! Which is supposed a be a place of learning. Another crazy fact about this is how common the words are, "school" is not a big word! The one thing that is upsetting however is the lack of care and funding for CA schools. Although this might not be the reason for the mistake, however it shows a lack of care or funding. Another thing that is surprising and also ironic is that it wasn't found until a month later. All it would have taken for the workers to fix while they were there was a third grader to come out and say that it is spelled wrong. However you and I should be thankful that it wasn't spelled "ESCUELA."
If you want to see a funny link on spelling go to:
I believe that the misspelling of "school" outside of a learning institution, while ironic, does not reflect poorly on learning institutions themselves. It just shows human error. With the thousands of school signs that are painted in every city, especially large ones like New York City, of course mistakes are bound to be made. One would have to look very hard to find deeper meaning or correlation between the incorrect spelling of a sign in front of a school.
I think that yes it was a strange coincidence that "school" was misspelled in front of a school, but that still has no reflection on the school itself. The construction workers are the ones that paved the road and painted the sign. The only reason it has become so "famous" is because it was misspelled on a street in front of a building where we learn how to spell.
Edith Chavez
Period 4
I think it is a mere coincidence that school and public were misspelled and that the education in this country is so bad. The crews who misspelled them were just careless and probably don’t know how to use spellcheck. The real problem this shows is how lazy and careless people have gotten at work. I would insult the people responsible for this and call them stupid for misspelling the words but I make spelling mistakes a lot and sometimes on purpose to annoy certain friends of mine, actually just one friend of mine because I find her frustration entertaining.
Many Americans that graduate from high school think that it’s enough but the people that make these mistakes are often high school drop outs. This is a perfect example of what poor teaching, low standards of education and people that have had a bad day make. This is why public schools should start making graduation a mid-point and to emphasize going to college. Hopefully the people that made the mistakes should learn to go back to school or in the paint crew’s situation scohol. Also a great place to view other spelling fails is
that's so ironic to misspell "school" at a school when they teach you about responsibly and even grammar... obviously the education system is declining in America and i think someone needs to go back to 2nd grade spelling and retake a class or two, come on man.
Cynthia Arocan
Period 6
In my perspective this has nothing to do with how our education systems, but with a much bigger issue laziness. If these workers would have taking the time and effort in doing their project this whole situation would have been avoided and we would not be writting this blogg. People need to put effort in what they do, if not things could be blown way out of proportion like so.
This ironic twist of fate, or perhaps simple stupidity, while not reflecting on the schools in question, reflects poorly on the American educational system as a whole. Those unfortunate adults who let this flub slip through were probably public school students in America at one point, which begs the question, "Is America failing its most vital generations?" I know it's a cliche, but children are the future and in the midst of these rough economic times free education is the only option for a majority of Americans. So if the next Steve Jobs is lost in the shuffle of the public school system, then how is America ever going to get back to the glory days of being the undeniable world leader in technology and education? All in all, I believe the blame can be placed on low funding and poor legislation that enables less than ideal teachers to remain in their posts, while stellar ones go unrecognized (monetarily of course, we all recognize your brilliance Mr. K!) While the mistakes on the mentioned signs may be just a funny anecdote, the moral they hold is far more serious.
I think the school should have kept the misspelling their as reminder to the student to study hard or else they can end up misspelling something as simple school. It will infuse the idea that if you slack you can run risk of embarrassing your self on the national stage. I also think the shcool should keep it because it looks pretty cool because no other school in our nation has that. Spelling is overrated and thats why we have spell check. Why not have machines do all the work man does because that always turn out well. Instead of having a nation that can spell why dont we devote all the time used for spelling towards lets say rocket building. What sounds cooler a nation that spell or a nation that can build awesome looking rockets that you can put cool looking stickers on them. Spellin should left to the robots because why waste our time on something that has no application to real life.
Cammie Gelbuda
Period 4
I believe that school, does have a part on people's life, because we have to know to spell, because it maybe in our life, and also in our jobs. When those people spelt the word wrong it might not only be the school but it could be the people being lazy not wanting to pay attention. So in my point of view it all on the kids/adults because you have to want to learn in order to learn.
I find it very ironic that the word "school" was misspelled in front of a school. Although, it does not reflect that particular school, it does represent a current national problem. Education in America is declining partly due to the current economy and budget cuts. However, it is also due to the fact that, like Greg mentioned above, computers now have spell check and lots of other cool technological stuff which means that once you graduate from elementary school and no longer have spelling tests, you start to rely more and more on computers and less on what you actually know.
I think that particular common spelling mistakes can be hysterical!! After all,on our very own school spirit wall, didn't someone spell "sophomores" incorrectly?? Many of these mistakes are accidents, but our educational systems in the U.S., and everywhere like such as (sorry, couldn't resist!), would certainly benefit from significant reformation. But meanwhile, we are still able to enjoy innocent mistakes like this:
[Child beer sold here]?
[Dear Sir or Madman,...]?
[Strong work ethnic]?
[For your convenience,baby hanging station]???
and check out this picture:
I Don't think that this spelling mistake could have been more blown out of porportion. I mean, just writing the first 5 words in this paragraph, I had to backspace and re type a word. I don't think that public schools have anything to do with the fact that a construction worker, or two made a spelling mistake on a crosswalk. I meen we al maek misteaks rite?
Cammie Gelbuda
Period 4
February 8, 2012
To finish to what I was saying is many people can blame the teachers, schools, and anyone else they want to blame but when matters come into peoples hands, it's not the people fault it's always someone elses and also people need to know that when you make a mistake its you no one else, and you need to pay attention in class in order to spell and learn all the things that the teachers teach you. So in conclusion even though those people who spelt "School" wrong its there falut because they should of been paying attention in class, when they were being taught. Thanks
I believe that the American public education system is mostly a disaster, but I don't think citing this particular mistake proves it. First of all, it was supposedly a mistake due to the fact the H and O stencils used to paint the letters are the same, and second, that spelling does not always reflect intelligence or quality of education. For example, even a very well educated person if dyslexic could make this error. On the other hand, there are people like me who are really bad spellers but are saved by red squiggly lines. In conclusion, mistakes happen, there is no need for nerdrage.
America's education system is held at very high standards. By this picture, however, it shows the American people that some people don't care and/or are ignorant of the very principles of English. This is very common, and still needs to be upheld, but there will always be mistakes. Hopefully, the new generations will take this example, and want to change it.
This unfortunate event that occurred at the school not only shows that Americas educational system is failing this conjecture is backed with scathing statistics that say that American students rank 25th out of 30 in proficiency compared to 30 other industrialized countries in the world. Also 80% of 8th graders fail to score proficient on reading test. This alarming because at one point the US had the best educational system on the planet. There several possible causes to why our educational system is failing the youth and its definitely not because kids are stupider these days. Kids are less motivated and this could be because prevalence of the multimedia in these students lives. Electronic media has engulfed the lives of almost every American youth and this could be partly why kids do poorly in school because they distracted constantly by media and this drains their study time. The message that are being conveyed in these forms of media could possibly have negative connotations that discourages education and promote risky behavior that prevents the educational process. The system itself America self is corrupt and maybe its not fully the students fault. In a matter of three years a teacher can receive tenure and then it is virtually impossible to fire them even in cases of extreme incompetence or misconduct. The root of educational problems in our nation are to be blamed on the teachers unions that enable incompetent teachers to squander our kids futures away. These unions do whats best for the teachers and could careless about the wellbeing of the students. Our educational system is so wayward that teachers that abuse children surprisingly are not fired upon discovering their misconduct but rather they are sent to a rubber room where they rot for months and possibly years waiting for their case to be heard. These insubordinate teachers are being paid by the government to do absolutely nothing except wait for their case to be heard. These kinds of policies waste the governments money that could be spent on things to better the students education rather than wasting it on teacher who is awaiting their misconduct case heard. These are the proximate causes of why educational system is failing.
Hmmm, sounds quite sad too me.... The fact that schools do this sometimes frustrates me, and yes, even though that they may have not made the sign, they should have noticed the mistake when the sign was public immediately and taken down, preferably before even the sign is put up.... That is what frustrates me (plus, the people that made the sign are being payed to do it, why are they taking it so stupidly, when they might be losing customers).
Tristan Mauricio
Period 6 English
Spelling is definitely important even though it’s a thing we take for granted but without it we’d be very confused and unable to understand most things let alone each other. Spelling is an important factor of our life because it shows how intelligent we are. If we had a president that couldn’t spell or even read our country would be in a terrible state and we probably wouldn’t get very far. If we had a contractor that cannot spell and read we wouldn’t have signs that would point us in the right direction. If we didn’t have spelling we wouldn’t be where we are today and it just shows how important education is.
I'm surprised that they didn't notice until they were done. I don't really think it's a big deal, but still its kind of dumb. Due to yhe many factors that could've caused the construction workers to make that mistake, you can't really blame the declining educational system for this specific mistake. The other stuff in the video, however, you can blame on the educational system.
Personally, I think the incompetence of some people is sad. Now, I don't know if those contractors who made those misspelled words noticed their mistakes and were just to lazy to fix it, or didn't want to spend the money to fix it and hope that nobody noticed. They might have just not noticed it themselves but Either way, how a couple of grown men, way out of their school days made elementary spelling mistakes confounds me. But, unfortunately, it did happen and it does reflect the way us Americans find the importance of spelling in peoples lives. Nowadays, if you don't know how to spell something, you just fire up google and it will tell you how to spell said word. I believe that becuase of this technology, we take for granted the importance of just knowing how to spell.
~ just in case it doesn't show up as me...
Quinn wrote this ^
Misspelling these simple words is very much embarrassing, not only to the cities in which these misspellings took place, but to America as well. Two of the misspellings were at schools and the third was on a billboard about them; this is what's ironic about the situation because school is the place where people get an EDUCATION, and during that process of getting one they learn how to READ and SPELL. What was interesting to me was that the public school billboard was spell checked by four different people, and they couldn't find the error. For elementary school, this kind of misspelling can have an influence on a student who has trouble with spelling, especially with words like "school", which can be hard to sound out and then spell for a student. Very concerning that adults can make a mistake like this one.
The comment up above was wrttien by Mike Garr.
First of all, not everyone can spell perfect. We are only humans, and us "perfect human beings" are not perfect, we make mistakes. But this could of happen for a reason, to put it out there to know that spelling does matter and that even though they spelled it wrong, was meant as a mistake or to let everyone know that you need to continue practicing on your spelling/grammer.
Anthony Gaddy
period 4
I Think it's kinda embarrassing because school is a very easy word to spell out, but some people makes mistakes all the time. But you will always need to know your grammer in life so don't give UP.
Spelling matters because it shows intelligence, and the fact that outside a school the word school was spelled wrong is unacceptable. But at the same time mistakes happen, and maybe the word school after you have been out of school for a while is a word that you might forget to spell. I do not believe that this issue is directly a reflection of the schools teaching and/or money problems because these mistakes were made by adults, no one in our generation. This spelling issue lies with the previous generation and how they did not pay attention or that they had be taught poorly.
It is a rather unfortunate mistake for the company and contractors who originally misspelled the word because they had to go back and correct it, and their name was attached to the incident. In view of this, their business could possibly suffer, though it is unlikely that it would very drastically. This specific mistake is exaggerated because of the coincidence of the fact that the word “school” was misspelled right outside of a school. Hopefully the incident error acted as a reminder to the students of the importance of spelling, or at least the importance of the use of spell check and common sense. However, I don’t think the incident should be taken too seriously, because like one of the workers in the interview stated: everybody makes mistakes.
I think it is sad how our nation doesn't take spelling that seriously anymore. Some people just need to learn, as a child, that misspelling words purposefully is not cool nor is it ever acceptable. It's almost embarrassing that our generation just doesn't care, and the fact that some people think it's "cool" just makes it more horrifying. I do think the situation was blown way out of proportion, some times people make mistakes and just don't realize it. But when it becomes a reoccurring issue, is when problems start. Yes, it was ironic that "school" was misspelled right outside of a school, but hopefully it was just a reminding that smelling.. er, spelling... matters.
Ruth Bozhko
I think that this whole situation is being a little over done; people make mistakes at work all the time! It is a natural part of human nature. The part I don’t like is that whoever was responsible for this job simply left it for the public to see. That just shows the level of unprofessionalism of some of our public workers. To leave it misspelled like that in front of a school is simply embarrassing for the teachers and students of the schools. The billboard is a completely different story, to be proofread by four different people and still not caught is simply inexcusable. It’s a billboard for public education which just makes it so much worse. Somebody most defiantly needs to be fired. I think if one owns a high school diploma spelling public should be a breeze, not a public event.
Great post, Ruth! I like your take on the story (though I'm sure you meant to say "definitely" instead of "defiantly"?). Oh well, mistakes hapen!
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