If you were able to actually vote next week, for whom would you vote and why? Make use of what you have so far learned about the first 18 Presidents and the challenges and obstacles that they each faced from 1789 through 1877 as indicated on your Presidents List. Considering the present state of affairs as you understand them, how can the past help you come to a decision about who would make the "best" President for the next four years?
DUE DATE: November 2, 2012 by midnight
Word Count: 300 words minimum
George Washington Music Video with Presidents 2-43:
Olivia Brophy
Periods 3 & 4
If I were able to actually vote on Tuesday of next week, I would vote to reelect President Barack Obama. This is largely due to his being more socially sensitive to important issues faced by minorities I feel are underrepresented in this country. Additionally, I do not agree with George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind, of which there are aspects that Obama also does not support, and is trying to counteract with financial benefits for states that try alternative methods that he approves. I feel that although we are in a very bad fiscal situation, for me, the social aspects of Obama’s campaign outweigh Romney’s fiscal conservativeness.
However, though I don’t agree with some of his social policies, I do agree with Governor Mitt Romney’s overall fiscal conservativeness. I agree with his capping federal spending at 3.5% lower than what it is right now, as well as his proposed policies on increasing the growth of the economy, and therefore the growth of the country’s profits. Two aspects of Romney’s financial plan that I don’t agree with are his tax plan and his not making any changes to the current Social Security crisis. Romney does not want to raise taxes on individuals making $200,000 or more, or on couples making $250,000 or more, which I do not agree with. I also don’t agree with Romney’s plan of not immediately changing the age eligibility for Social Security benefits, which I feel, if they were raised, might possible help to take a portion of the huge crisis away.
In my first paragraph, I stated that I felt as though the social aspects of Obama’s campaign outweighed Romney’s fiscal policies. This is because the United States has a history of periodic recessions, beginning as early as 1797, from which the economy has always readjusted to a new normal after the recession has faded away. However, the social problems that have plagued the country, such as slavery, women’s rights, and segregation and discrimination have proven to last much longer. The women’s rights movement, which really took off after the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, was not rectified until 1919. Likewise, although the first antislavery society was formed in 1775 by Quakers, slavery was not abolished until Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. The segregation of whites and blacks was not legally ended until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and discrimination still, in some places, continues to this day.
Thus, although I do agree with the majority of Governor Romney’s fiscal policies, President Obama’s stance on a few key social issues are significant to me, and would have won him my support, if I was of legal voting age.
Beckett Lee
Periods 3 and 4
If I could vote on Tuesday in the U.S. Presidential election of 2012, I would vote for Mitt Romney. America is currently facing a financial downturn and a restructuring of what it means to be American. Mitt Romney would be the best candidate to fix America’s problems for many reasons. First, he would be more likely to improve America’s military strength so that we can defend ourselves against terrorism; second, his plans to reduce spending rather than increase taxes is more conducive to a capitalist market; third, his moderate policies will be more likely to bring balance to the American political system. For defense, financial recovery, and reducing political extremism, Mitt Romney is going to be the best candidate for the American presidency.
Mitt Romney is a Republican and, like his predecessors, he will most likely support spending the necessary funds to increase American military strength and influence so that we can defend America from global terror. He also believes that peace and support for America in the Middle-East will be supported by sending 3.5 billion dollars to Egypt to support its economy and give democracy a foothold in the Middle-East. President Mitt Romney will keep the American military powerful in an era where potential threats to America are global.
Mitt Romney’s running mate Paul Ryan is also a skilled financial politician who knows that reducing American spending without increasing taxes on people who make more than $250,000 each year will allow the government to acquire more money to use to fix the national debt. Romney understands that America’s 16 trillion dollar national debt is a pressing issue. He has stated that he will use his presidential influence to make Congress work again and allow them to pass bills that will use responsible debt principles to help America.
Mitt Romney is a moderate politician who plans to repair President Obama’s negative economic and political changes, such as Obama-care and the precedent of using federal money to stimulate the economy, to bring America to where it needs to be economically. Mitt Romney, like his predecessors, believes in balancing the American political scale by decreasing the size of the federal government and privatizing as many programs as possible. In the age of Jackson, this form of bringing moderation brought about the Era of the Common Man where average Americans, not political elites, were the focus of the government. In many ways, the American hero who won the battle against the English at New Orleans and the former governor are a lot alike. Both men have stated that Americans are the best judges of democracy and that the rights of the people should always be put above the rights of the federal government.
History tells us a lot Mitt Romney’s potential. Romney’s policies have the essence of George Washington’s fundamental ideals of political fairness and the focus on America, not foreign entanglements. John Adams’ precedent of doing what is right for America, not one’s party is clearly demonstrated in Mitt Romney’s adoption of some Democratic ideas, including a more moderate form of Obama’s health care laws in his own state. It is certain that Mitt Romney will carry the ideas of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and the other Founding Fathers into the White House during his presidency, because he has already demonstrated that he has the utmost respect for the Founding Fathers and their revolutionary ideas. His love for America cannot be denied and it is for the many reasons listed above that Mitt Romney will be among the great American Presidents should he win.
If I could vote next week I would vote to reelect Barack Obama. I would reelect him because one Romney hasn’t given any real thought to taxing the correct social class, secondly Barack Obama has started the up hill battle of getting jobs back for Americans, and lastly I disagree on Romney’s policy regarding Medicare and social security.
First off I would reelect Obama because he believes in taxing the rich rather than the working middle class. Romney believes in taxing the middle class, giving tax breaks to big corporations, giving the rich tax cuts. While Obama’s tax breaks for the middle class has saved and average American family $3,600 in the past four years (REF 1). So if Obama continues as president I believe that the national debt would decrease while if Romney has his way we will be looking at taxes for the middle class with tax breaks for the wealthy.
Second off I would reelect Obama because he has started the up hill battle of getting Americans jobs again. While Romney gives tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas, and cut export promotion. Obama believes in eliminating tax breaks for companies that outsource jobs overseas and instead provide incentives for companies that create jobs in America (REF 1). So with Obama as president I believe that the economy would take some time to recover while if Romney had his way the economy would crash even harder.
Finally I disagree with Romney’s policy regarding social security and Medicare. Romney believes in Turning Medicare into a voucher program and ending guaranteed benefits (REF 2). While Obama believes in Protecting the Medicare and Social Security that seniors have earned over a lifetime of hard work. So if President Obama continues I believe that our up coming seniors will still have the safety net that they deserve after the 50+ years of hard work that they have put into this country.
1: http://www.barackobama.com/our-vote/jobs-and-the-economy-ov
2: http://www.barackobama.com/our-vote?source=primary-nav-om
If I were old enough to vote, based on what we’ve studied in class and what has been discussed in my home I would choose to vote for a President who honors the same values as the founding fathers of our Constitution. Our nation was based on Biblical principles and through the years, many of America's presidents have led our nation based on those principles. The following are quotes by Presidents who honored that original vision.
"Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles." - George Washington.
"Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet anchor of your liberties. Write its precepts in your hearts, and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this book are we indebted for all the progress made in true civilization, and to this we must look as our guide in the future. Righteousness exalted a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." - Ulysses S. Grant.
"It is my conviction that the fundamental trouble with the people of these United States is that they have gotten too far away from almighty God." - Warren G. Harding.
"Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on him, who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still competent to adjust, in the best way, all our present difficulty." - Abraham Lincoln.
"The whole inspiration of our civilization springs from the teachings of Christ and the lessons of the prophets. To read the Bible for these fundamentals is a necessity of American life." - Herbert C. Hoover.
"Let us look forward to the time when we can take the flag of our country and nail it below the Cross, and there let it wave as it waved in the olden times, and let us gather around it and inscribed for our motto: 'Liberty and Union, one and inseparable, now and forever, and exclaim, Christ first, our country next!'" - Andrew Johnson.
"It is a great comfort to trust God - even if his providence is unfavorable. Prayer steadies one when he is walking in slippery places - even if things asked for are not given." - Benjamin Harrison.
We need a president who honors God and serves him daily. Our country is currently going through terrible difficulties such as major storms, fires, floods, earthquakes, potential food shortages because of draught and our economy is failing. Our nation needs to go back to the basic principles of our founding fathers. The next president of the U.S. should have a moral compass that is centered on his faith in God.
It’s hard for anyone to understand all the political issues and the answers given by both the Republicans and Democrats. They want to win and promise a lot of things to win that they may never do or have the chance to do. However, Obama does not attend church, refused to honor a long standing tradition of a national day of prayer, has made it clear that he is does not practice Christianity or believe in the commands of the bible. Governor Romney practices the Mormon religion which is considered a cult and not the same as Christianity. However, he has made it clear he honors God. I would choose to vote for Romney because God promises wisdom to those who seek it. If the leader of our country ever needed wisdom, it’s now.
The 2012 election for who will be the next leader of our country takes place next week. All persons under the age of eighteen are legally not allowed to vote for president, but if I was able to vote for candidates, I believe I would choose Republican Mitt Romney over Democrat Barack Obama. First, Obama’s recent presidential term didn’t seem to have accomplished very much in terms of helping our nation with its big problems; second, Obama doesn’t seem very steadfast in his own policies or in the nation’s policies; third, I feel like Romney’s experience may be able to aid our falling societies a bit more than Obama’s plans have. Therefore, mainly because of economic, political, and social reasons, I think that it is probably time for a change and that I would probably vote for Romney as president.
Economically, our nation hasn’t really fared well under the guide of Obama. It is true that America has been struggling for a good long while now, even before Obama was elected to his first term, but looking at the progress made in those four years, I can’t help but notice that so much money was spent on projects that were ultimately unsuccessful. An example of this is what used to be Obama’s stimulus plan, which cost hundreds of billions of dollars that essentially accomplished nothing. Also, Obama’s inability to effectively handle “crises” (such as the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico) doesn’t point in a good direction for me. While Obama certainly seems to be making some effort when it comes to dealing with these problems, it appears that not much is getting done. Romney, being a “business” man, has at least shown himself to be capable of managing both money and businesses successfully in recent years. This is evident during his term as governor of Massachusetts when he was able to end the budget deficit without raising state taxes but by raising fees, and also when he was able to help enterprises in both private and public sectors gain billions of dollars in investments and gains. With Romney’s crucial experience and successes, it would seem that he just may be able to lift our nation’s economy.
Obama’s inconsistent policies leave many to question how efficiently he can lead us. While serving as our president, he has frequently changed his positions on certain issues, such as in the controversy of same-sex marriage, leaving many to wonder how he can effectively guide us when he seems to be constantly changing his mind about his own personal beliefs. This gives me an unclear picture of where he wants to take our nation in the next couple of years, and makes me doubt his confidence in his own decisions. So far, Romney has a specific path in mind for future years, which include reducing tax rates, whereas Obama’s intentions seem to imply the raising of taxes.
In light of recent events, our societies under the stumbling economy are staggering. Unemployment has reached a high point, with many people on food stamps and welfare. As of currently, not much has really changed in this large portion of our population. Romney does have successful experience in managing a massive loss of jobs, however, since he did help create tens of thousands of jobs for Massachusetts citizens during his term as governor when the state was undergoing a strong recession. As a result, the unemployment rate of that state fell from 5.6% to 4.7%. In the position we are in right now, Romney’s methods will probably be of great help to us as whole.
(Last paragraph)
So while I don’t deny that Obama has done some good for the United States, I think that Romney will probably be able to take us farther. I don’t agree with all of Romney’s policies and views, but I would choose him over Obama if I could vote. It is important to keep in mind, however, that one of the main concerns regarding the first eighteen presidents of the United States was to avoid a chance of monarchy at all costs – that is, a one-ruling family must not prevail in the government. Both of these presidential candidates have children (Romney has five boys, for example), so we as citizens must continue to be aware and responsible.
If I were able to vote next Tuesday, I would vote for Barrack Obama. I do not pay attention to politics, so mostly what I know has come from discussions in class, rants from other classmates, and the internet. Also, some of Mitt Romney's policies and values conflict with my own. Although the economy has not been completely fixed over the past four years, it is well on its way on improving and Obama has made substantial advances. In the past 32 months, there has been constant job growth and 5.4 million private sector jobs have been added.
Obama believes in taxing the richer class, and giving permanent tax breaks to the middle class. Romney believes in giving tax breaks to the rich and raising middle class taxes. Families with kids would pay an average of 2,000 dollars more in taxes.
Obama has invested two billion dollars in community colleges, which will be a huge benefit for us in two years when we graduate high school and move on to college. Romney would cut back investments in community colleges.
Obama supports both abortion and gay rights, two things that I believe are liberties that every American should be able to choose. Romney wants to pass legislation that would outlaw gay marriage. I also do not believe that a candidate's religion has any effect on how qualified he is for office, since there is a separation of church and state in this nation.
Economic recessions and economic booms are part of America's history, going back all the way to 1797, so times of hardships are not a new thing. They are not brought around by one person, and it takes many people to fix them. Women have fought for equal rights since the beginning, starting even before when Abigail Adams told her husband not to forget the women in crafting America's new government. In the 1800s, women spearheaded many reform crusades including anti cruelty, war, and slavery. The Seneca Falls Woman's Rights Convention held in New York in 1948 was one of the first attempts to try and gain the vote for women. It took forever, though for suffrage for women. It was not until 1920 when the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified. However, women are still not fully equal with men on all levels today, but Obama plans on securing equal pay for women.
Therefore, I would vote for Obama in Tuesday's election if I were able to vote
On Tuesday, November 6, the United States Presidential election of 2012 will come to an end, and if I could participate in the election I would be voting for the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney. I have been asked by many why would I vote for Romney, and the answer is because the Democratic Party held the House for the first two years of Obama’s presidency. And he wasn’t able to fix our economy, no, he made it worst. At the opposite side of this equation, Obama had a lot to deal with after George W. Bush left office. I don’t entirely blame him for the position America is in right now due to past problems, but I do blame him for the problems that started during his presidency and I don’t believe he will be able to revive America from the almost recession we are in at this point. I do admit a lot of my ideals come from the way I was raised and who my family is. I was raised in a Christian Church, which influents a lot of my social thoughts such as abortion (Pro-Life), gay rights (Neutral), and women’s rights. One of the most influential people in my life is my grandparents on my mom’s side. My grandpa is strongly conservative so he is always asking me why I believe in something to see if I have my own opinion or if I am just repeating something my mother told me. In our AP U.S. History class we have learned about the first couple dozen presidents, and their parties. I think if we had all those parties, I would consider myself a Whig. Also my infatuation in politics only just recently came out through the election of 2008. In 2008, I would have voted for Mc Cain. So I guess to make something so complex short, I think I only need one sentence.
I am a conservative that would be voting for Governor Mitt Romney, if I could, in the upcoming election of 2012.
If I had to vote for the running president of the United States, I would vote for Gary Johnson, which is if I were forced to vote for someone, but if my vote determined the next president, I would vote for Ron Paul as the next president for his many good solutions that will stabilize and solve long lasting issues in America, if he was running. In regards to who is now running, I would vote for Gary Johnson, because his solutions seem to allow the people of the U.S. to determine what they want. My vote would go to Gary Johnson because of three factors: as a member of the libertarian party, the other candidates seem to share most beliefs in common, which do not seem to cause much significant change this nation needs; second, while in economic issues, Johnson rejects the government’s spending and borrowing internally and externally into the national debt; third, he supports government not involving itself in American’s citizen’s lives or other countries, only making enemies and more issues. Johnson may not satisfy every need I feel is needed, but he satisfies more than the other remaining candidates.
Among the main ideas of Gary Johnson, those I support his overall solutions, while Romney and Obama seem to share most concerns and ideas regarding foreign and domestic policies, Johnson supports to remove our troops from Afghanistan, and he wishes to repeal the Patriot Act, which basically opposes the fourth Amendment. Gary Johnson also proposes an end to the government’s forcing on how an American’s personal life should be, in regards to abortion an marriage, as well as trying to end a “surveillance nation” and racial profiling, which I mostly approve of, the government should allow you to make choices about your personal life without being watched or forced into doing so. He possesses most of Ron Paul’s pursuit to have the nation possess more restraint and follow the constitution, influencing my approval. He also supports having the Afghanistan troops leave with no real threat to the United States itself other than the troops who impose their presence in the country. Because Johnson shares so many important solutions that will help remove America from its immersion into issues with the world and itself, this why I would vote for Gary Johnson as the next president of the Unites States.
Edith Chavez
Periods 1 & 6
If I could vote on Tuesday for the presidential candidate I want, I’d vote for Barack Obama. I have tried researching a little on the candidates but most of what I know about them comes still mainly from my classmates; there is another candidate that I learned a bit about and like him more than Obama but since they receive such little support and have virtually no chance at getting elected, I would vote for a candidate that I feel will benefit me and that actually has a shot at receiving the next presidential term. Despite most what I hear about Romney being superior to Obama, I still like the Democrat more because he won’t bring religion into the government; believes in equality and fights for it; and is more liberal and unlike Romney, he has modernized their intentions to fit into today’s society while the parts that are against, women, blacks, and the poor. Romney does appear to be better at business and money but I feel that many of his viewpoints would cause the country to fare worse should he become President.
Religion itself is not necessarily good or bad but the US history we’ve gone over and today’s world leads me to the conclusion that it best stay out of government. I do not care about the religious beliefs of either Romney or Obama but I do care about whether or not they put into government. This is not a country of just Mormons or just Christians that go to church every Sunday, this is a country of many people with many religions: Buddhism, Islam (Islam isn’t bad just because of terrorists), Christianity, and so many more. It also happens to be a country that is home to people without any religious beliefs what so ever- believe it or not, there are people that don’t believe in any god or creator. Religious tolerance must therefore exist while religion itself doesn’t exist in the government- not saying it should be entirely of atheists- so that people of different religions, or lack of beliefs, can enjoy not getting persecuted, one of the reasons why so many settlers came to the future United States during colonial times. One of many groups did, however, decide to have religion rule: the Plymouth colony. In 1692, the Salem Witch Trials occurred and while their religion wasn’t one of the main provocations, it easily turned into the excuse for it, just as in world history, some of the greatest horrors of mankind have used religion as an excuse for their violence. There is also supposed to be a separation of Church and State, which I feel was for these events and reasons I have already stated.
Another reason for my choice is that Obama shows support for gay rights, rights for minorities, and rights for women. True, he hasn’t managed to do a lot to help them but I feel that Romney would focus taking rights from them. The Republican has shown how he is against gays and despite having heard he will leave it up to the states to decide what to do about them, I can’t help but feel that he would encourage or allow discrimination against them as there are states that allow employers to legally fire a worker for their sexuality. Obama, having showed support for gays and having repealed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, has proved to be a much safer candidate for gays. Obama, as being part of a minority and having shown support for minorities and immigrants, also seems to be the better candidate. I admit my opinion is biased as I am the child of immigrants who worked hard to become citizens, but it has also helped teach me that the job market is getting increasingly global and even if people don’t immigrate here for better lives, they will still gain the jobs Americans once had due to outsourcing. I find it strange how CEOs keep getting richer while people here keep losing jobs and blaming immigrants, despite many of these jobs actually being sent out of the country. Obama has also showed support for women’s rights while Romney is against abortion and I have heard he also against birth control and planned parenthood, which I find to be important for women as it gives them a choice in life while men don’t have to worry about since they can just ditch their impregnated girlfriend and let her fend for herself.
My last reason for liking Obama is that he hasn’t shown himself to stick to the original meaning of the Constitution as intended by the Founding Fathers. Yes, they were great leaders but only for their time. Romney claims to follow with their beliefs, which worries me since they owned slaves and didn’t believe in rights for women or people of color, not to mention that it’s kind of impossible to follow them since they weren’t all on the same page and often quarreled over how people should be ideal citizens. Abigail Adams told her husband to not forget the women but the document he went to write still reads “all men are created equal” and originally set restrictions on how much of a person a black person was. People were also supposed to stay away from politics unless they wealthy land owners yet the history of the US has shown that things do get better for everyone when the people- of all colors and genders- have the right to vote for who is in government. Even those at the top do better when the lower classes get more rights, power, and easier ways of getting money that aren’t designed to go against them. Shay’s Rebellion made the rich terrified and it was because of neglecting the lower classes. Giving the people power shows to be better and not worse as critics of Andrew Jackson would argue. The common man had not been corrupted by politics or vice versa, politics was already corrupt and has grown better over the years as the power of the people has increased. Romney worries me as he favors the wealthy too much and while I hope another Shay’s Rebellion or any violent uprising doesn’t occur, they have already; the Occupy Wall Street movement was peaceful but turned violent in many areas. Romney hopes to increase the cash in the pockets of these people by reducing government spending but they also want services that would be cut. Obama’s plan to tax the wealthy seems a lot better as it keeps people from getting so violent and because of that, keep everyone else safer.
So despite Obama not being able to accomplish as much as he promised- in part because of Congress’s limitations on his power- he still shows to be the better candidate to preserve my “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, and preserve them for others too.
If I was able to vote next week on who would be the next president I would vote for Mitt Romney. I would place my vote with the republican candidate because of the following reasons: 1st, the economic hope that our economy will improve; 2nd, the social choice of pro-life; 3rd, the political choice of national safety and a trade war with China. While I do not support all of Romney’s policies and ideas, I believe I am choosing the lesser of two evils.
Nobody can deny that our economy is not at its best. The housing market crash a few years ago made a lot of people homeless. Having to move in with parents, friends, or even go to a shelter. In addition to the crash, companies began making budget cuts and laying people off. As well as sending jobs overseas for the cheap labor. Making many families both homeless and jobless. This poor economy is not one persons fault. Certainly not all Obama’s fault. It is the consequences of many years of bad choices. Obama has tried to fix this economy, by talking about change. Not really doing much. What he has done is pour money into programs designed to make new jobs, reaping little improvement. One of Romney’s policies for the economy is to cut Obama care. Unfortunate, but providing free health care for one of the most expensive professions out there is only going to add to the debt. Another policy of Romney’s to bring back jobs to America, providing both the economic boost, and the much needed jobs.
Another reason that Romney would receive my vote is of his decision towards pro-life. As a Christian, it is against my religious beliefs to terminate a, to use scientific terms... a fetus, after it is conceived unless it is to protect the life of the child or mother. Obama believes in pro-choice which advocates the right for a women to control her own body, especially her right to an induced abortion. Since we live in America, I have a right to free speech, but so does everybody else. I can state my beliefs on any matter and my neighbor, who may not have the same thoughts as me, can say the exact opposite statement. What we can’t do is say that the other idea is wrong or unjust. We can’t push our own beliefs onto other Americans. We also must accept that maybe there are complications when dealing with abortion. Maybe a woman was raped and got pregnant, and unwilling to see the cild every day that reminded her of her assailant, and not wanting to allow the child to grow and be placed in the adoption system, she chose abortion. Abortion is a tricky subject. It may be a hard pill to swallow but my hypothetical vote would go to the one who shares my beliefs on this subject.
I do have an issue with Romney though. It is his foreign and national security policy. When Romney starts talking about foreign policy, it almost always goes to China and how they are taking our jobs an exports. Romney says that he will start a trade war with China. This worries me. I want jobs in America as much as the next guy but do we really need to go to war over it? We just finished a war that was so long, people have forgotten what we were fighting for. War is not something that should be eagerly talked about and looked forward to. Or expecting it to solve or problems. War should be feared and despised, and rightly so. Obama’s foreign plan is a little more sane. Stating that we are at war with a specific group and not with a nation or a religion. We are at war with al-Qaeda. That focused plan of attack is, in a hypothetical sense, safer than Romney’s plan. The other part of Obama’s plan is to maintain good relationships with almost all other countries. As a teenager it is still difficult to get the actual picture of what’s really going on in the world other than the biased papers i can read online. So of what I know, this is one of Romney’s ideas that I am skeptical about.
I'm too lazy and too tired to
A) Apply the html coding to my post in order to obtain the desired format and hyperlinks
B) Incorporate my post into several smaller ones since I kinda sorta wrote a lot
So, I just uploaded the word document I originally typed it out in to share as a link:
For the past few months, the 45th presidential election has been consistently broadcast throughout America on television, mentioned in newspaper/newscast headlines, and has attracted a majority of the attention from other areas of the world as well seeing as the decision made will present an impact not only on the lives of Americans, but also in part on foreign nations. In turn, based upon what we have learned so far in class, I would choose to re-elect current President Barack Obama. First, his view point on the energy and environment has achieved regulations against certain gases and pollutions that are potentially harming the environment; second, the economy in addition to the national debt has held the amount of tax dollars that everyone owes at an unchanging rate; and third, the foreign policies regarding illegal immigration and war have swayed the electoral vote slightly more in favor of Obama. Therefore, due to the environmental, economic, and international affairs primarily, I have come to the conclusion that he is the best choice for our country in terms of the next four years. First, Obama’s assessment on the impact that oil and gas have on both the people as well as their surroundings is substantial in my eyes. He has so far ordered a short suspension on deep-water drilling ever since the huge BP oil spillage scare took place back in the Gulf of Mexico. He also managed to achieve heat-trapping gas regulations that have reportedly been the basis for claims of destruction to our quickly depleting natural resources and/or global warming. He has provided a strong foundation for purchasing green energy and has recently included a form of nuclear power as a cleaner source. Romney is more in support if opening the Pacific and the Atlantic to more drilling, even some western lands. While this is a necessary resource, I feel that his approach comes off as a slightly assuming cause. And finding the money to pay for all of it leads to an entirely different issue. Second, the economic advantages of his policies regarding taxes will aid U.S. American’s in the long run. Although Romney does promise to attempt to cut at least five-hundred billion dollars per year off of the federal budget (in an attempt to help lessen the startling national debt increase over the past few years), he does not provide adequate backing to such a declaration. Obama on the other hand, set a goal of cutting oil by approximately half come 2020, and has at this point accomplished significant increases in fuel economy standards, saving money at the pump. Moreover, one of the major connections that Obama has to a past president is that of Andrew Jackson and his consistent image as another version of the “common man” (at least as I have interpreted it based upon numerous television appearances and various motivational speeches he has given). Jackson’s image was one of the main factors in convincing the popular vote of the public that his strategies, most evident in the permanent establishment of the Second Bank of the United States, the opening of the White House to the general public, the Spoils System, an “out with the old and in with the new” mindset (also similar to the Webster-Ashburton Treaty under President John Tyler). This correspondingly reinforced certain aspects of his foreign guidelines. And finally, war in addition to immigration and his overreaching ideas on foreign affairs in general have given him my own personal non-existent vote. Obama believes that illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children should be discharged from deportation and granted work permits if they apply. Romney opposes nearly all educational welfares to illegal immigrants. But Obama is still dedicated to allowing citizenship to immigrants enrolled in college or the army. He also ended the war in Iraq and is planning on having them all back home by the end of 2014 (not many cuts in military spending for Romney).
(Continuation of last post...) Because of these ecological, financial, and worldwide affairs (including fair relations with other countries), Obama appears to be the more experienced and suitable person for the job once again. Though I do not fully agree with all of Obama’s policies, most of them are far more appealing in the long haul than Romney’s somewhat short-termed plans. Either way, the next United States president will usher in a new age of transformation, universally.
tanner blake
The 2012 presidential election is coming up and although I am not eligible to vote, if I could, I would vote for not for Barack Obama but for Mitt Romney. In his term as president, Barack Obama has not accomplished anything that would in any way help this country. There are three main reasons why I am voting for Mitt Romney and not Barack Obama; first, under Obama’s watch unemployment have risen to 8.1 percent and Mitt Romney plans to reduce unnecessary government spending and create more jobs; second, Obama has made promises several thing all of which he did not deliver; finally, Obama but Romney plans to return power to the states. So, for economic, social, and political reasons I am voting Mitt Romney and not Barack Obama.
In Barack Obama’s first term unemployment rates took a turn for the worst. Over a span of 43 months, unemployment rose from 7.8 percent to 8.1 percent. During Obama’s term as president he promised to keep unemployment under 8.0 percent, but did not deliver. This rise in unemployment has caused more and more people to give up searching for jobs. During the summer of this year, the labor force participation rate fell to 63.5 percent, which is the lowest it has been since 1981.
Dustin McCoy
P. 3 & 4
If I had the opportunity to cast my valet to determine who the next president of the United States will vote independent because I don't think that Obama nor Romney will be able to keep there promises. I believe that both of them have had it in their heads that they will be able to do more changes then there actually granted by the Constitution. First, I believe that they have to many promises that cannot be fulfilled in the next four years. Second, I believe they are both marketed way to much especially Romney in particular who will do anything for a dollar. Third, their decisions do not lie within reach of the presidential powers and the real power actually lies within the legislative branch of the government. While I do not support either candidates I do believe that they both have very good intentions but cannot all possibly be fulfilled.
With the crash of the housing market and the economy being flushed away and America rapidly slipping into a recession it has created problems for the president as well as the rest of the government. With the crash of our economy came the rise in unemployment, job loss, and an increased amount of people on food stamps. This event has effected each and everyone of us to this very day because of poor decisions we all have been having to pay the price particularly the middle class; this is not Obamas fault but he has contributed, he has tried to fix the economy in his four years and he has still yet to even fix anything. During his presidency “the national debt has increased by $4.939 trillion,” says the CBS News; this is more money then any of us will ever see in our lifetime; By spending more toward making jobs is not the answer; more people have been able to get jobs but the ones he has been giving to the people are only temporary what will they do when they finish there works but go back on welfare and food stamps. I believe that he has done some great things during his term but he has done more negative then positive. Thus, Obama is not fit to be reelected because he is unable to keep promises he has made and clearly his strategy hasn't worked.
We have currently been in a war with the middle east that seems to have been going at a snails pace making little progress while costing the citizens at home billions of dollars contributing to our already enormous national debt. Under Romney I believe that because he wants to raise up the American army and at the same time want to decrease trade with china that it could spark a conflict over seas and possibly another war especially because we owe $4.3 trillion to China and if we start to cut trade with them it can cause an uproar and create tension between the two countries; “we can't just sit back and let China run all over us,” People say, "Well, you'll start a trade war." There's one going on right now, folks. “They're stealing our jobs. And we're gonna stand up to China.” Another huge problem is that Romney's plans for the country are amazing but in reality the president dose not have the power to do some of the things he is promising; he wants you cannot lower taxes on the wealthy individualism because then who is going to pay the difference but the middle class families. One thing he is doing that will greaten improve the United States is investing in clean burning coal and relying on our own resources to help run America rather then foreign countries for oil and coal; this will increase the number of people employed and will lower cost on manufacturing. Thus, like with Obama there is to many negatives to make me want to possibly choose a candidate.
Josh Here: I was sick, so I missed some of the lectures you did...
If I was one year older than I am now, then I would vote for Mitt Romney. He is the candidate that will get things done in this country. He is a man that knows how to deal with money, look at the situation, and can calculate and get what needs to be done. Obama has made growth decline in our economy, and has increased our national dept Trillions more than President George W. Bush did in two terms during a long war.I believe that Mitt Romney's tax plan will work, and it will lower taxes on the Mid-Class people and the Richer classes. Mr. Obama says it doesn't add up, and that math doesn't work. I would love to see his work, on a nice piece of clean scratch paper. I cannot agree with anybody who thinks that the rich should pair their so called "fair-share". People will think its "fair", but life in general isn't fair, and you have to work in order to make things better. You can't just charge the rich guys more money just because don't have what he has. Small Businesses need help, in order to make the economy grow. Mitt Romney can help small business. Obama wants to tax the Rich more, and I heard an excellent little story that could clear up why the economy isn't doing so well, and why we are losing money from jobs leaving the country to other countries. Several guys were at a bar. They didn't have enough money to get anymore drinks, and a rich man decided to chip in a bit for them, since he was generous. When the not so rich guys realized that beer was nothing cost wise to the rich man, they beat him up and took his money. They drank more and more later that night. They would come back the next day, and the rich man would not be there to "give" more money to them. Plus, in the drunken state, they had bought more than they could pay for by putting all of it on a tab. They were in dept. This pretty much sums up why business leaves America quite a bit(Hopefully somebody will know where I got that from).
One other thing, Obama's immigration policy is not what the country needs. Mitt Romney also does not agree with Obama's policy either, and knows that a better and more long term plan is required to fix our illegal immigrant problem. I believe that this country needs tall fences and protection, but wide gates to let people in properly (Not literally, you should know what I mean). There are several other things why I wouldn't EVER vote for Obama, but that is for a different time.
If I were at the age to legally vote, I would vote President Mitt Romney for the United States 2012 Presidential Election. My political standpoint is primarily based on my parents views, therefore, in most cases, I would chose the Republican candidate over the Democratic candidate.
America is not at an ideal financial state, and Mitt Romney holds the best solutions. First, Americas Political system is not in the best position and Romney’s policies are what America needs to bring balance; second, Romney’s plans to strengthen the United States military to better withstand foreign attacks; third, America’s economic standpoint is incredibly unstable, and Romney’s policies will help the economy out of its debt. Mitt Romney’s role as President will help restore America’s politics, defense, and economy. Romney’s mission to restore America to political health begins with reducing the size of the federal government. President Obama has placed America on an unsustainable course. Romney intends to cut federal spending, bring reforms to medicare, balance America’s Budget, and yield power to the people and the states. As president, Mitt Romney plans to safeguard America and secure the country’s interests and deals. He plans to build America’s strength, which, in my opinion, will make the world safer. Abraham Lincoln called America the “last best hope of earth”, and Romney believes it. Americans today are suffering an economic crisis, and they will immediately recognize the severity of the relief that Mitt Romney proposes. Mitt Romney plans to restore Americas finances on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation. He wants to reduce spending in America and in government programs, as well as reduce taxes and regulation. His policies also seeks to increase trade, energy production and labor flexibility. Thus, for these reasons, my vote would go for Mitt Romney for the U.S. 2012 election.
This is my edited version of my response.
The 2012 presidential election is coming up and although I am not eligible to vote, if I could, I would vote for not for Barack Obama but for Mitt Romney. In his term as president, Barack Obama has not accomplished anything that would in any way help this country. There are three main reasons why I am voting for Mitt Romney and not Barack Obama; first, under Obama’s watch unemployment have risen to 8.1 percent and Mitt Romney plans to reduce unnecessary government spending and create more jobs; second, Obama has made promises several thing all of which he did not deliver; finally, Obama has established weak foreign policies. So, for economic, social, and political reasons I am voting Mitt Romney and not Barack Obama.
In Barack Obama’s first term unemployment rates took a turn for the worst. Over a span of 43 months, unemployment rose from 7.8 percent to 8.1 percent. During Obama’s term as president he promised to keep unemployment under 8.0 percent, but did not deliver. This rise in unemployment has caused more and more people to give up searching for jobs. During the summer of this year, the labor force participation rate fell to 63.5 percent, which is the lowest it has been since 1981.
Since Barack Obama’s rise to presidency, besides killing Osama bin Laden, the death of Moammar Gaddafi, and the successful expansion of drone strikes, nothing in terms of foreign policies has been accomplished. When he came to his first test of foreign policies, Obama didn’t back the pro-democracy green revolution in Iran because he didn’t want to ‘be seen meddling.” When the Arab Spring first appeared in Egypt, Obama then decided to “meddle” and asked Hasni Mubarak to step down. Today, a country that at one point was a valuable middle-east ally is now mostly under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood. And when the Arab Spring spread to Syria, Obama didn’t do anything, even when Bashar al-Assad began killing his own people. Since the beginning of his presidency, Barack Obama hasn’t done anything about our enemies and our allies have suffered for it. Iraq and Afghanistan, two of America’s most valuable investments in the middle-east, are currently hanging by a hair thread. President Obama, against the advice of his generals, has prematurely pulled troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq.
From the very beginning of his presidency, Barack Obama has increased this country’s deficit by 2 trillion dollars and has thrown our foreign policies down the trash. He has claimed that during his term unemployment is the lowest it has been in decades. But in truth, unemployment is the highest it has been since 1981. Obama has made promises that he has not kept, yet he asks us, on November 6th, to reelect him president. I personally do not think it would be in the good interests of this country to reelect Barack Obama, which is why, if I could vote, I would vote for Mitt Romney.
The last four years under the Obama administration our economy has been subjected to increased government control and central planning. In 2012 election if I could vote I would vote for Mitt Romney because four more years of Barack Obama will ruin economy. The reasons that have compelled me to vote for Mitt Romney are that another for years of Obama would mean the Federal Reserve would continue to stimulate the economy through Quantitative Easing and Obama’s adoption of Keynesian Economic policies has left our nation with anemic economy and debt ridden treasury. This election warrants choice between two different views of how economy should be run and those choices are an economy based around an inefficient government bureaucracy or economy based upon the private sector which is more efficient at adjusting to the constant changes in the economy. Quantitative Easing is a monetary policy in which the government increases the money supply by flooding financial institutions with fiat currency in order to promote liquidity and lending in the economy. In 2010 the Federal Reserve pumped 600 billion dollars into the U.S economy and two years after that our debt to GPD ratio has risen to over %100 and the worker participation rate decline to %63.5, a 31 year low. The theory of Quantitative Easing is flawed because it greatly inflates the U.S currency and this will lower investor confidence in the U.S currency and this will prompt investors to invest in commodities and futures markets. This will raise food and gas prices because there will be more speculation on the future markets and this will increase the volatility in food and gas prices thus decreasing consumption in our economy which accounts for %70 of economy. This is has stunted the economy’s growth and eventually overtime it will ruin our economy through increased inflation and the facts show since QE2( Quantitative Easing 2) has been launched that there has been a net job loss and increased inflation. As of September the Federal Reserve initiated QE3 which is another attempt to jumpstart the economy and it is evidence that QE2 failed. Mitt Romney does not agree with the Federal Reserve’s policy of Quantitative Easing and Obama record shows that he is in agreement with Bernanke’s failed monetary policy. If Obama is reelected it is likely that he will continue to follow this policy that will destroy our economy and indebt
our future generations. Keynesian Economics is an economic theory which promotes government intervention in the marketplace and in other areas of the economy. When Obama took office he intervened in the economy by bailing out the American Auto Industry and he enacted the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act which provisioned a trillion dollars be spent to stimulate the economy. The U.S government should have never saved the American auto industry because it is a violation of free market principles and it rewarded the corporate mismanagement. Market forces have to run its course and the marketplace showed American cars were in low demand. This failure to adjust to market is what caused these auto giants to falter and the government should not save a company unwilling to change their corporate policies to save their company. The common argument for why the government should save the Auto Industry is that people would lose their jobs. These jobs lost are a tragedy but ultimately it is the corporation’s responsibility to care for its employs and be fiscally responsible and not the government’s. Obama is a supporter of Keynesians economics as shown by his stimulus package in which the government intervened into almost every sector in the economy. Despite our government spending a trillion dollars solely to create jobs and stimulate the economy our worker participation rate is at a 31 year low, 45 million people on food stamps a nearly %50 increase since Obama took office. This stint of Keynesian economics has proven that economy can only be stable when government in injecting money into the economy and unfortunately our economy has grown a dependence of government spending as means of survival. Keynesian economics is a short sided economic policy that thinks in the short term, Keynesian economics has does take into account incentives of people. A larger debt as touted in Keynes’ theory means more taxes will have to be levied on the people and Keynesian economics makes the assumption that people are simple minded and lack incentive and increasing taxes kills incentive and stunts the economic ambition that has driven our country to have strongest economy in the world. Mitt Romney is opposed to Keynesian economics which is why I would vote for him. Four years and 5 trillion dollars later what has Obama done to fix our economy absolutely nothing in comparison to the amount of money spent as Barack Obama said once talking how he will turn the economy around with one term as president “I will be held accountable, if I don’t have this done in 3 years, then this is gonna be a one term proposition.”. Even on Obama standards he should not even win the election and I am voting for Mitt Romney because Barack Obama told me to.
Annika Newman
Periods 1 & 4
Word Count: 868 (oops).
If I were given the opportunity to vote on Tuesday in the United States Presidential election of 2012, I would vote for the Republican candidate Mitt Romney. In this election, it is clear that the central issue is the devastating American economy. Though Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney have severely separate financial strategies, I believe that Mitt Romney's unique plan to create jobs for the American people is exactly what our country needs. First, Mitt Romney has developed a plan to create jobs for the American people and cut the unemployment rate down; second, Barrack Obama has passed several projects, such as the stimulus plan, that were ultimately unsuccessful; and thirdly, the unemployment rate has gone over the 8 percent mark, which President Obama promised would never occur. Thus, for economic reasons involving financial plans for the country, costly projects, and unemployment rates, I believe that America will be better off with Mitt Romney as the next President of the United States.
First of all, I would like to start off by saying that it is not my intentions to bash on any particular party or offend any person whatsoever. In fact, I am quite tired of all the continuous blows of each political party towards each other. In this election, I have been paying much attention to the news, current events, opinions of my peers as well as my parents, and have formulated an opinion of my own. Over the last four years, I have grown quite frustrated with the way our government has been running, and noted the significant economic state we are currently in. Though I would agree that the president had a difficult job when he came into office due to the severe economic state we were in, I believe that he has had opportunity to make alterations that would benefit the American people financially speaking. Over the past four years, Barrack Obama has accumulated an additional six trillion dollars to the national debt, resulting in a devastating sixteen trillion dollars of current national debt. Based off of this evidence alone, it is obvious that his economic plans for our country have not met necessary expectations. I believe that candidate Mitt Romney has stated a unique plan for our country, where his main focus is to create jobs for the middle class, and help get America back on its feet. He has stated many times that he will not raise nor lower taxes on the wealthy, and is planning to decrease taxes for the middle class. In doing so, he believes that the wealthy – many of whom own small businesses – will be able to expand and provide jobs for more Americans. Over the past four years, America's debt has increased, and I refuse to believe that continuing with the same plan that we have today will aid in the economic interest of our country.
Over the past four years, the president has passed several projects that have been deemed unsuccessful by many, costing our country hundreds of billions of dollars. Throughout his entire presidency, Barrack Obama has not had a single concrete budget for the country. I believe that his focus is not where it should be economically in order for our country to be prosperous. Mitt Romney, on the other hand, believes in cutting back on unnecessary government spending, allowing for lower taxes on middle income families and a break for those struggling to make ends meet. Currently, there are 49 million Americans on food stamps, costing the government 81 billion dollars a year. When the president took office, the government was only spending 39 billion dollars on food stamps. Though I do have compassion for those who cannot provide for their families, I believe Mitt Romney's plan to create jobs for the American people would better solve this issue in the long run, than merely providing temporary support to those in need.
When President Barrack Obama took office in 2008, he made a promise to the American people that would not allow the nation's unemployment rate grow above the eighth percentile. However, studies show that there has been a significant increase in unemployment, making the current unemployment rate at a high 8.3 percent. With Mitt Romney's plan to primarily create jobs for the American people, I firmly believe that the unemployment rate will decrease effectively throughout his presidency.
Barrack Obama's presidency is much like the popular Andrew Jackson's presidency. Andrew Jackson was known as an advocate for equality for everyone, desiring a country with equal opportunity and liberty. Likewise, Barrack Obama's democratic views show a desire for equality amongst the people, such as gay rights and the legalization of abortion. However, without going into detail about my views on social interests, I believe that what the country currently needs is a President that will aid in fixing the national economy. Andrew Jackson, though he did create much equality in the country, failed economically speaking. His choices for the nation's economy led to the Panic of 1837, erupting under Martin Van Buren's presidency. Likewise, I believe that despite Barrack Obama's social policies providing more freedom for the American people, his focus is not where it should be, benefitting the nation's economy.
If the unthinkable were to occur and sixteen year olds gained suffrage, I would cast my vote to reelect President Barack Obama. Whether or not you’re “better off than you were four years ago” it seems abundantly clear to me that if Mitt Romney were to gain the presidency, our country would be headed down a slippery slope of frighteningly old fashioned social policies introduced by Romney’s blatantly religious agenda.
I firmly believe that religion has absolutely no place in American government and that has nothing to do with by agnostic outlook. Many of the Founding Fathers were not Christians, but rather Deists who acknowledged a Supreme Being but at the same time deliberately placed the key concept of separation of church and state in our Constitution. America is an amalgamation of myriad global religions and to place Christianity as the cornerstone of our nation’s government is to veer off the path that our Constitution constructed. One does not need religion to have a strong moral compass, we instinctively know the difference between right and wrong and someone able to gain a presidential nomination would not have gotten there as a highly debauched individual. President Obama practices his faith at several different Christian churches in the DC area, but prefers to keep that aspect of his life private as he is the leader of a country where freedom of religion is a fundamental right to be enjoyed by all citizens (article). His actions in this respect prove him to be a clear representation of the Founding Fathers’ vision for the country.
As the democratic candidate, Obama supports social legislation that is representative of the modern age we live in, making him the clear choice for the presidency. As a young woman in the year 2012 I find it astounding that so many issues regarding women’s reproductive rights and health are still up for debate. Mitt Romney, as a reflection of the Republican Party, has time and again asserted views regarding women that offend and insult me. It is undeniably wrong that management of my uterus is up to a group of sixty year old white men. President Obama is a hero for women everywhere for protecting their reproductive rights as seen through his mandatory inclusion of birth control in his Affordable Healthcare Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. For some reason, many were outraged over this provision as it is only for women (and according to Rush Limbaugh makes us all sluts), but nobody seems to mind that Viagra is included on nearly every health care plan. Besides promising to repeal Obamacare, Mitt Romney has also vowed to cut funding for Planned Parenthood, a vital institution that provides women with the resources they need to be healthy. Furthermore, Romney has decisively come out as the pro-life candidate, so why wouldn’t he and his fellow Republicans support legislation to give women greater access to birth control so as to preempt the controversial topic of abortion all together? While abortion has always been a highly divisive issue, in the past, both parties have always seemed to be in agreement over the horrifying act of rape. But throughout this election season, many male politicians including Romney’s running mate, Paul Ryan, have either championed or stood behind legislation to narrowly redefine what constitutes rape (article). This would suggest that the staunch punishment of rape in America in the 19th century that gave the American woman a better quality of life than that of a woman in France has not endured, leaving us with a political world where a woman’s rights are in peril of being stripped away to less than that of the American woman without the right to vote. Mitt Romney has professed to be opposed to the Federal government intervening in the lives of the people, but determining whether or not a woman should be allowed to manage her own pregnancies, choose to have an abortion, or be defined as a rape victim certainly does not coincide with his platform of a small, non-invasive central government. Not as a Democrat, but as a woman, I applaud President Obama for his participation in the ongoing fight for women’s rights and equality as seen through the Affordable Healthcare Act and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Play Act.
While I supported Barack Obama before the republican candidate was chosen, Mitt Romney’s seemingly endless supply of offensive comments only reinforce my initial decision. While the infamous 47% video and “binders full of women” quote went viral, I am personally offended by the comment he made regarding single parents. When asked about his views on gun control, Romney somehow managed to equate those who use guns in violent crimes with the child of a single parent. As a sixteen year old who has been raised by a single mother since age ten, I cannot even express my hatred of this idea. His implication that children who did not grow up with two parents will probably become violent menaces to society is inexcusable.
In my mind, the decision is obvious; Barack Obama is the clear choice as the President of the United States as I feel my health, safety, and future are best protected under his administration.
If my single vote determined the overall election I would vote for Gary Johnson for his fore-sight into what would contribute to the over-all and long-lasting issues that our nation is faced with and what he could move in place to solve them and help us in the long-run. Among these issues is our now escalating national debt that has increased at an alarming rate. The vitality of finding the solution is detrimental to our survival as a people and a country. The reasons that I have for not electing Barack Obama, our current president is that he came in making big promises, none of which solved, much less help any of our main crises. My realistic vote would surely fall on Mitt Romney out of shear distrust of Obama and his "new solutions". While we as individuals can talk all we like about what we think would work for America and politicians present themselves as servants but tour the world in luxury instead, I cannot see America changing in any positive significant way until we can get our priorities straight and stop proposing ridiculous petty props for food labeling and start focusing on fair taxing measures to be secured and set towards ridding us of debt, fixing our economy, and do whatever is necessary to fulfill this, even if it isn't a popular method.
If I were eligible to vote in the 2012 Presidential Election, I would vote for Mitt Romney. America is currently in the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression, there is high unemployment, slow economic growth, high levels of poverty, a $16 trillion dollar debt, the median household income has declined significantly, the average retail price of gasoline has doubled, and on the world stage, American dominance and leadership is in decline. I believe Mitt Romney can fix and strengthen our domestic and foreign policies for three reasons; first, Romney’s Five-Point Plan would bring economic growth and job creation; second, Mitt Romney would support our allies, confront our enemies, and promote democracy throughout the world; third, Romney’s ideology supporting free-market capitalism would put America back on its feet. Thus, for economics, foreign policy, and because of his ideology, Mitt Romney is the best candidate for the presidency.
If Mitt Romney is elected President, his Five-Point Plan would lower unemployment and increase the average income of American families. This plan recognizes that hardworking Americans in the private sector fuel the economy, not the government. Five points in Romney’s economic plan will get Americans back to work and tackle the national debt; first, the plan will give America energy independence by 2020; second, Romney would create a new trade plan which would level the playing field for American businesses worldwide; third, Romney’s plan would bring about better access to higher education, and it would improve public schools; fourth, Romney would cut the deficit and reduce government size and regulation in the economy; last, Mitt Romney would work to lower taxes for all Americans, especially small businesses, who fuel the economy. Thus, Mitt Romney’s Five-Point Plan would re-establish America as the best place for work, to start a new business, and to prosper.
Over the past four years, it has been alarming to see a decline in American leadership and strength with our allies, rivals, competitors, friends, and adversaries. The Obama administration has shown weakness and indecision, and other countries are having doubts about our own interests and how we will protect them. A Romney administration would be a greater ally of democracy, while making sure other countries are living up to their responsibilities in the international community. Concerning the Middle East, Mitt Romney would support pro-democracy groups who support representative government and human rights, while denouncing those who support suppressive and evil ideals like Jihadist organizations and Sharia Law. Concerning Israel, Romney would re-build deteriorating relations between Turkey, Egypt, and Israel to ensure Israel’s security. And although the Israeli/Palestinian problem is a complicated one, the current path taken by the Obama administration is clearly in the wrong, as they have pressured Israel to give Palestinians more territory and recognition. But as Mitt Romney well realizes, pressuring Israel is not the solution. The solution would be to pressure Palestine, since they are currently pursuing to form a unity government with Hamas, a terrorist group dedicated to wiping Israel off the map. Concerning Russia, Mitt Romney would try to decrease European dependence on Russian oil, which is a very costly, and he would not support the authoritarian government and centralized economy of Russia. Thus, Mitt Romney would re-establish American leadership, fight terrorism, and support our allies when they need us most.
The most important reason I would vote for Mitt Romney is because of his ideology. He is a true believer in free market capitalism, based on secure private property rights, the division of labor, and voluntary exchange on the free market. Although anti-capitalists like Michael Moore see capitalism as a scenario where “somebody wins, somebody loses” or where “the rich exploit the working class,” capitalism is actually the source of human progress, and the system that made America strong. The reason for capitalism's success is that it’s mutually advantageous, for the seller and the buyer. But more regulations, controls, taxes, government-run industries, protectionism, and other forms of interventionism on the private sector only hurt economic growth and cause poverty. In 2002, when Mitt Romney was elected as governor of Massachusetts, the state had a $3 billion dollar deficit, high taxes, and spending was out of control. But when he cut restrictions and regulations on small businesses, the deficit was gradually eliminated without raising taxes. Also, tens of thousands of jobs were added to the economy. Therefore, Mitt Romney’s ideology would be applied to his economic policies, just like when he was governor of Massachusetts, to make America a more fair, prosperous, and advanced nation.
Thus, if I were of legal age to vote, I would vote for Mitt Romney. His Five-Point Plan would revive our economy, his foreign policy would support our allies and promote American values on the world stage, and his ideology would bring about a greater form of capitalism not crippled by government interventionalism. When Abraham Lincoln declared America as the “last best hope of earth,” I hear his words echoed by Mitt Romney, when he says a “stronger America is a safer world.” Therefore, I am certain that Mitt Romney will instill a brighter future for America, by promoting the ideals of the Founding Fathers when he is president.
Bailey Fitzpatrick
period 3&4
I do not really know that much about politics and my parents do not really know that much either, but after doing some research and listening to people who do know a lot about politics, I have decided that if I were old enough to vote for the next President of the United States I would vote to re-elect President Barack Obama for a second term. First of all, I would vote for Barack Obama because I feel a lot of the problems that he has had to deal with during his time in office were created before he was in office and a lot of the people I have talked to believe he has done a pretty good job of trying to fix them. A good example would be his attempt to nullify the effects of the mortgage crisis that have affected many families across the United States of America. Second, I agree with his policy towards people on welfare. A lot of Republicans think that everyone who is on welfare is lazy and is taking advantage of the system. While that is true for some of the people on welfare, most of them are single mothers who genuinely need it. I know people who are on welfare and they are all hardworking people who are trying to get by. This is why I agree with his welfare policy and I believe he is truly interested in the health and well being of American citizens. Lastly, I like what he did with the health care reform because health care system was broken and something needed to be done. Before Obamacare, hospitals were run by insurance companies that were only interested in making money instead of helping the people. If they know that you will need medical attention that they will have to pay for then they will not insure you. Several members of my family can't get health insurance because they have pre-existing conditions. I have an aunt and an uncle who have kidney disease, an aunt who had cancer, my grandpa had cancer and my other grandpa had a heart attack and none of them can get health insurance.
Tristan Mauricio
Period 1&6
Although I don’t usually pay attention to politics the 2012 Presidential election is one of the few exceptions where I do, and based on what I’ve heard from my fellow classmates at school and what research I’ve done I have made my choice. If I could vote in next week’s election I would re-elect President Obama. I strongly disagree with Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney’s choices, views, and plans to get the country back on track and I do not believe he has our interests at heart unlike President Obama. Socially, Mitt Romney has and will put the middle class of America aside for more important matters and President Obama has and will continue to fight for the average American; Economically, both of the candidates’ economic plans have strong points but Obama’s plans are the better choice; and Romney’s views on debated topics compared to Obama’s will not get him anywhere. I believe Obama will win because he appeals to the average American and Romney does not which will win his second term.
There are many reasons why people think this country has gone downhill in the past couple years but most blame Obama for our predicament. However Obama is the better choice mainly all of his choices have been for the average American, young, old, black or white. From what I have heard and researched Mitt Romney puts all of us on the bottom of his list even If he does not say it. When he was in business he was part major companies in which he became a very influential, talented, and promising individual but during his seat as Governor of Massachusetts his state was ranked 48th in the country for small businesses which are the foundation of the country. And he also plans to have tax cuts on the people who make more than $250,000 dollars a year and have taxes raised on those who make less than that. He clearly does not have the average American’s interests at heart. He does not want the system to be fair to everyone, he wants the rich to get richer and the poor to become even poorer. He does not believe in the American public in which this country is mad of the people, by the people, and most importantly for the people.
Mitt Romney’s plan for the Economy was created to fix our economy which it could in some ways and fail in others. I do agree with the part of his plan where we would limit federal spending but I do not agree with his plan on the federal support on the defense budget and lower the spending on domestic spending. If he wins and puts his plan into affect food stamps and other public systems that support the poor but most importantly education. If he wants to make this country better then why does he want to have cuts on education? Education has become a huge part of the foundation that we stand upon, it is something that we have made universal in this country and why we are where we are today. It is so important to us now that without it, it is hard for anyone to go anywhere in life and Mitt Romney wants to limit that which I can not express how much I strongly disagree with it. Secondly, Presidential Candidate Romney wants to put all of that money that he will take away from the American public and put that into our defense budget. Yes it is important to our very livelihood but not at the expense of our education. He wants to put that money into something that is something thousands of miles away to ensure peace in a different country George Washington believed that it is best for us not to get in foreign affairs which has been the recurring problem in our heads which got us into this mess in the first place and has been characteristic of the past wars we’ve been involved in then why should we do the same in the Middle East? I believe that we keep that money on our shores in our pockets. The public knows what it needs and it needs help from the government so we can stay alive and things will never get better if the federal government is taking money from us, something that President Obama will never allow.
Lastly, I believe Barrack Obama will win this election because of his stand on debated topics such as illegal immigration. If a President wants to win or get anything done he has to have the consent of the average everyday working American which Obama clearly has. Mitt Romney’s views on things I can just never agree with. I do not believe that religion should be brought into politics; it just makes things messier which Romney has clearly shown and Obama has clearly stayed away from unless necessary. I have no problem with other issues like illegal immigration, our ancestors or perhaps ourselves had the opportunity to establish ourselves in this country but why can’t anyone else? And lastly I do not agree with his stance on Gay Marriage. I believe in tolerance and that love is love no matter the race or gender and that true love comes in many forms. Mitt Romney publicly shows that he is against Gay Marriage and that is something I will never agree with and I do not understand why he has to bring the Bible into that topic. I don’t think Romney will win because he will try to control the people instead of protecting them.
The 2012 election occurs on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, and will put someone in a very powerful position for the next four years. I’m not very politically savvy and do not see a clear choice for presidency, which has probably been the case for the last 223 years of our nation under the Constitution, other than the rare politicians such as Andrew Jackson and Theodore Roosevelt, however, if I could vote on Tuesday I would vote for Mitt Romney, for a number of reasons. First, national debt has risen by over 80% over the last 4 years under the Obama administration; second, Obama has not presented a plan to keep social security and Medicare from paying out, 11 years from now, more than they take in; thirdly, Obama’s stimulus did not deliver what it promised. Because of these three reasons I would vote Mitt Romney in the 2012 election.
Over the last 4 years the national debt has risen by 80% under the Obama administration. Also the debt to GDP ratio is highest under Obama than any other of the four presidents previously. Also, under Obama there have been no presented plans to stop Medicare and Social Security from paying out more than they take in, and he refuses to accept anyone else’s plan, even though he does not have one. This shows poor leadership on his part, and shows that I should vote Romney. Finally, Obama’s stimulus plan was supposed to keep unemployment from going over 10%, however, it has failed to do this, in fact, in California the percentage is more like 20%. Clearly Obama’s stimulus plan has not delivered what it promised. Because of these three reasons I would, if I could on Tuesday vote Mitt Romney for president, because Obama’s stimulus plan was a flop, unemployment has raised, even though Obama said it wouldn't, and Obama has presented no plan, and will accept no plan to stop Medicare and Social Security from destroying themselves.
-Christian Filbrun
Anthony Luna
Period 4
I am not interested in politics very much, for it seems that no matter who is voted president everyone complains, even if they voted that person into the presidency in the first place. It kinda seems like whoever can do the least, worse job. However, as a "voter" I would have to choose the most competent person for the job. One who protects life, liberty, and marriage. For these reasons I believe Mitt Romney would be who I would vote for. I would vote for him because he is, first against abortion, which I also feel abortion is wrong; second he is against gay marriage, but he also is against discrimination, I really respect this because I am also against gay marriage but I feel they should not be discriminated; thirdly, he has a conservative view, I believe this is important because this mean that he believes the Constitution has a fixed meaning, that judges should not change it, and that this fixed meaning is our protection against the governments tendency to take more and more power. Romney's and my view are very similar and he is protecting life, liberty, and marriage. Romney's plan also sounds like the best plan to fix the economy. He wants to cut taxes by 20 percent, thus Americans will spend twenty percent more on consumer goods. This will lead to more jobs because there is more money being circulated. This is why I believe Mitt Romney is the best candidate for the presidency.
For me, it isn't a matter between voting for Barack Obama, or Mitt Romney, but voting for a candidate who honors the Constitution and whose beliefs are based on biblical principals.
- I will vote for the most pro-life candidate, because God hates the shedding of innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17).
- I will vote for the most pro-Israel candidate because God blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who don't (Genesis 12:3).
- I will vote for the most pro-debt reduction candidate, because the borrower is servant to the lender (Proverbs 22:7).
- I will vote for the most pro-work candidate because God says if a man won't work, let him not eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10).
- I will vote for the most pro-marriage candidate because God is for marriage as defined in (Genesis 2:24).
- I will vote for the candidate who most closely believes government's purpose is to reward good and punish evil (Romans 13).
- I will vote based as close as I can on God's word (2 Timothy 3:16).
The following presidents honored the constitution and were public about their religious views;
"(T)he foundation of our national policy will be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality; ...the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained..." George Washington, First Inaugural, April 30 1789
"Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams
I will close with a great quote by George Washington, "A good general government with out good morals and good habits, will not make us happy people; and we shall deceive ourselves if we think it will."
Krizelle DeGuzman
Period 1 and 4
Personally, I don’t usually pay attention to politics at all since I am not eligible to vote. Everything that I know about the presidential candidates comes from my family, peers at school, and the short amount of news I watch when I eat breakfast. If I did have the chance to vote, my vote would go towards the Republican candidate Mitt Romney. First, because Romney is a business man he has the best chance of improving our poor economy; Second, Romney’s choice of pro-life versus Obama’s pro-choice; Third, Obama in his first term has already passed projects that ultimately seem unsuccessful.
Our economy has not recently been at its best. The condition of our poor economy is not all one persons fault even though some try blaming it on the current president. Actually the economy was already in a bad state before he came to office and although Obama has attempted to improve the economy, nothing seems to have changed significantly in a positive manner. In fact, over the course of Obama’s first term the unemployment rate has actually increased by over 8%. With Romney being a business man he has shown that he understands how to manage money and business. If Romney is elected as president then his Five Point Plan would lower this unemployment percentage and increase the income of the average American family.
Romney would also receive my vote because of his stand on abortion. As a Christian I do not believe in putting an end to a fetus once it is conceived. Since Obama is pro-choice that means he agrees that it is the woman who has a right to decide if she does or does not want abortion. Abortion is a complicated subject though. The woman who wants abortion done may have gotten raped and though I feel so much more sympathetic to those in that case I still feel that abortion is wrong.
During the first term of Barack Obama he has passed projects that have cost us hundreds of billions of dollars. An example would be the stimulus plan which didn’t seem to do much. I can appreciate that Obama has tried to get things to work but it’s time for someone new to take the lead. Romney has a clear vision to get American the jobs they need to support their families. Romney’s beliefs on cutting the unnecessary government spending and lowering the income tax of middle class families can improve things for everyone.
We are given two options for the presidential office of 2012. There is Barack Obama; A married man with experience with being the leader of the country. The other canidate is Mitt Romney; a biblically based, Morman family who is presently governor of Massachusets. Massachusets is the most successful state in the U.S. when it comes to education and economical greatness. Obama has promised the people of the United States success of his plan to come out of the $16,000,000,000,000 debt. He has done absolutely nothing to overcome this debt. Mitt Romney has an amazing plan that shows that he has amazing leadership qualities. How can I vote for someone that doesn't put his hand over his heart when saying the pledge of allegiance? How can I vote for someone to be the leader of my country when I show more patriotism than the president himself. Mitt Romney has an enormous respect for America. Thats who I would vote for.
Obama care was proposed as an amazing oppotunity for American. It has done absolutely nothing for our country. The one accomplishment that I show tremendous respect for that Obama did was the assassination of Osama Bin Laden. The was very heroic and amazing. Other than that, nothing. He has done nothing with the amazing opportunity that he was given. I feel that the only reason that he was elected was not because of his political ethnics, but because the people wanted the first black president.
Mitt Romney is promising the people amazing things that this world needs. He is promising to help overcome national debt. He does not want another attack on the United States do to the lack of military. Therefore, he is going to exceed the number of the Navy. The Navy is so far under enough people to support an army. The Navt needs to be rescued from its weekness. Romney is motivated and ready to fight. Unlike Obama, he is not making false promises. Obama ran his campaign off of world peace and bringing the troops home. Nothing has shown little effort of trying to so. Romney is dedicated to this country. I believe that Romnet has was it takes to make this country and success. He is going to make America a stronger place, because after the past four years with out leadership, we need to be rescued from the wrath of Obama.
Mitt Romney would deffinately be the holder of my vote if I were eighteen this week.
First, I am an idiot because although I wrote this on Friday I forgot to post it…oops. So here it is.
Second, Mr. Korling in reading the Blogs posted on time (sorry again) I have noticed a trend that is present throughout all posts, regardless of who they voted for. That trend is that you have nearly succeeded in your quest to make us all educated voters and educated decision makers. Regardless of who we argued for I feel like every single person had evidence to support their claim and this is seemingly your intention for us. While I understand that we still have a long way to go I just wanted to point out an observation of mine.
Third, I HATE CAPTCHA IMAGES!!!!! or what ever there called?!? :/
These are uneasy times and in this economy I believe that strong leadership is needed. If I were to vote next week for president I would vote for Mitt Romney. There are three reasons why I would vote for Mitt Romney Rather than Barack Obama. First, Romney’s plan to both cut government spending in some areas and to increase government spending in other areas, is the plan that I believe is best for this nation; secondly, Romney’s opponent has continually disregarded the military improvements that NEED to be made in order for us to continue to be a strong power in the World, under the Romney administration, I believe, this will not happen; Thirdly, I cannot vote for someone who disregards the value of life and supports the corruption of the sanctity of marriage as it was originally intended, it would be against everything I stand for. Thus, for his plans regarding the military and the national economy and for my own religious standpoints I believe that Mitt Romney is the best presidential candidate.
I see the flaws in Romney’s 5 point economic plan that the Obama administration has pointed out and to an extent I agree with them, but Obama’s plan is in my opinion far more flawed than Romney’s and that is why I am forced to choose the lesser of two evils. Romney’s running mate, Paul Ryan, has shown time and time again how he is advanced in the knowledge of the finances of the nation and I am confident that whatever problems may come up while the Romney plan is put in place (far less than those in the Obama plan) he will be able to advise his president wisely.
As the Romney Administration has pointed out several times under the Obama Administration there have been military improvements that have not been made that are vital to the success of our nation as a significant player in the world militarily. Specifically, the lack of technological updates in the navy are actually quite astounding. Also, Obama’s view of slowly decreasing the nation’s nuclear technology/power and almost getting rid of our nation’s atomic bomb entirely is honestly beyond my comprehension. That is, it makes NO SENSE to do that.
Finally as I have said before I cannot, no, I will not endorse or vote for someone that does not protect the sanctity of marriage and who endorses and defends the literal KILLING of babies. I vote for Romney not because of his perfection but because his opponent is a murderer. He is not a murderer based just on what I think but based on the definition of conception according to biology. - see link http://www.abort73.com/abortion/medical_testimony/
Cammie Gelbuda
Period 1 & 4
If I Cammie Gelbuda, was able to vote on Tuesday which is known as “election day”. I believe that I would vote for Mitt Romney, but I cannot really say why I would. I’m still trying to learn all of the politics. There are some good things, that Obama did but on the other hand he didn’t do a lot of good things. That is in my opinion. Some other people maybe say I’m wrong, either way that is why they don’t let people vote until they are a legal adult. Mitt Romney does have some great ideas that he would like to share to the United States, and the only way he can is if he is elected president of the United States. Both Romney and Obama did give some great speeches. I do believe that Obama himself would like to be reelected just to show the United States what he can do for a second term. The democrats may believe that Mitt Romney just isn’t good enough just because he is Mormon and they think that he will try and change all of us into Mormon. Which that is not true, he has a five point plan, that he wants the United States to listen too. Obama thinks that Mitt Romney five point plan is a one-point plan. Romney said when college students get out of school; they will have a job waiting for them. Romney never said that “if you don’t have money to go to school, then you should not go.” If Obama is reelected he will be a good president, and that is just what we need. We need someone that will take care of the United States, and will do anything in his power to protect it, no matter what. I Cammie Gelbuda is an undecided citizen, I’m not a Democrat or a Republican.
If I had to vote in the current election, I would've chosen the Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson for President. Among my primary reasons for my supporting of Gary Johnson I believe the most important are his social and foreign policies. He wishes to end the war in Iraq, although I am not set in my determination to this, I am against the endless bombing of the landscape and the homes of innocents. I also agree entirely in his wishes to remove the Patriot act. The patriot act is a bill that allows the governments to not only indefinitely detain people, but it also allows for the unauthorized search and seizure of citizens without their consent or knowledge. As well as I am against the viewing of people’s personal lives, I am against the government controlling every aspect of their personal lives, with controls on marriage and abortion and so on.
He also believes in balancing the national debt, with a plan that would cut national spending by 43 percent. Although I believe these cuts may be steep, he plans to end the war in Iraq immediately, a war which costs 300 million dollars a day. Although I am not for the legalization of drugs, Gary Johnson is for the reduction of the war on drugs, a process that is not only ineffectual, but has carpeted the southern nations in blood. As well as the process of decriminalization would take money away from drug lords and into taxes and more easily restricted sale to the population. The war on drugs has been a large contribution to making the largest prison system in the world, an incredibly expensive and straining system.
As well as Gary Johnson is the first major candidate to have ever crowd surfed at a rally, which is a bonus.
Brynn Villa
Period 1 & 4
If I were to actually be able to vote for one of the presidents I would vote for Romney. Obama has already been elected for president and in my opinion he didn’t do a very good job. So why would we vote for him again if we already know that he did a bad job the first time? He broke promises and just caused more problems. We don’t know if he is even from the states because we can’t seem to find his birth certificate. During his past electoral speech he mentioned a family member who wasn’t doing very well in their health and I can only imagine how many people felt bad and decided to vote for him, or even voted for them because they feel his pain. During this electoral speech, he seemed to act a bit childish. Romney was speaking and Obama happened to so rudely interrupt him like a child. Romney on the other hand showed the best of respect to everyone. He also has proof of himself being a legal US citizen. I believe that Romney should be given a chance to prove himself. Obama was already given that chance and he failed. If Obama gets reelected then we will most likely have to do the Obama care that is “supposed” to “help” people but seeing how it works, it seems like it is just going to put more people in debt and a lot of people can’t afford to take that chance. Sure maybe it will help a few people, but it’s going to hurt more than it’s going to help. Also, Obama hate Israel, our ally, and right now it would seem that they really need our help and I highly doubt Obama is going to do anything about it. Then we will somehow join forces with the wrong group and be looked upon as the bad guys. It is also a possibility that we will be targeted or betrayed later on and he doesn’t seem to be the type of president to stand by the people. He seems like one to cower and run away. I do not hate him, but I do not approve of him ruling this country because I believe it will lead us into a time of hurting.
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