View the video and read the article below and comment in 200 words or more on the following prompt: we began this school year with mythology and examined how modern superheroes are the modern day gods and heroes of ancient and classical myth; although we recognize that there really is no "Superman" who will come sweeping out of the skies at the last minute to save us, nor is there a "Batman" lurking in the shadows watching over us at night, there remains a deep need to feel like a difference can be made in the lives of people. Does Lenny Robinson have it figured out, how to make the superhero super in real sense?
DUE: April 19, 2012
Lenny Robinson definitely has the right idea that any ordinary human being has the potential to make a difference; no matter how insignificant the deed may seem. He is able to bring the idea of a superhero flying and leaping about his or her city, fighting crime at a citizen’s cry for help to a whole new level; one of the utmost sincerity and good intent. He sets an excellent example, encouraging both children and adults alike to make a difference in their communities whenever duty calls. (In this case, the "distress signal" of the children's hospital.) However, not everything is always black and white. It is true that Lenny Robinson obviously has an amiable character and wishes the best for these poor kids, but something still remains just slightly unsettling to me. This is a man that has experienced, (much like many of the heroes of ancient myth that we have studied) an event that changed his outlook on life as a whole and forced him to realize that the life we live can be taken away in the blink of an eye. For him, this event was the death of his son at a terribly young age shortly after a bone marrow transplant. It is very possible that had such a heart-wrenching devastation not occurred, his occupation as of today may have followed the path of creating his own allegedly rising business. My fear is that it will always take occurrences of a similar nature to bring people out of the darkness of their own fantasies in which nothing can ever go wrong. Despite this, my inkling of hope for the future is that people will one day realize that it is not necessary to be thrown into a world of hurt in order to come out a better person; but rather to find the strength in oneself to overcome the hardships in life. If everyone could do that, then maybe we would not even require a man in a suit to bring our wildest dreams to reality; because reality would already be greater than those dreams.
Kealani, this is a wonderful post. Your insight is refreshing and powerfully mature. Thank you for this!
I do believe that Lenny Robinson has the right idea, no there are not any "true" super heros, but there are true super humans, Lenny Robinson is a true superhuman. All anyone needs is hope, and he is giving that hope to the kids he goes and visits in the hospital. He makes those children smile with his very presents, giving them hope that maybe one day that he can save them. Making them feel safe even if it is for just a moment in time. I agree with Kealani that he must have had an event that changed his path and made him want to do something that would change the world around him for a greater good. What Lenny Robinson is ding is amazing, he should be praised, and he is an extraodinary man making the world a better place every day.
Zachary Stephen Vavra
Period 4
I believe that not only does Lenny Robinson have the right idea, but what he is doing is touching the lives of all the kids that he comes in contact with and is making an impact on their lives that cannot be measured. I believe that there is life after death and I also believe that giving hope to children in such dire situations is absolutely necessary. What is life without hope? The entire human existence is focused on hope; high-schoolers hope that they will someday get a car, or have a family or get a job; adults hope that they can provide for their families or give their children a better future. The children at these types of hospitals have no hope whatsoever. I believe that what Lenny does gives the children hope, not only for the chance of getting better (which is not applicable to most) but he shows them that despite their differences, conditions, and or past, someone cares enough to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to give them a happy moment. Just one happy, fleeting moment is enough to change a person’s life. Can you imagine what would happen if we all lived like Lenny Robinson all the time? Now I am not implying that we should all spend tons of money and dress up like our favorite super hero, but bringing hope to people that do not have it is what I believe is the mission of Lenny Robinson or at least what it should be. And I believe that this should be our mission too, no matter what race or religion, giving hope to those who need it is a world changing idea and I believe that we are all world changers.
p.s. You may think after reading this “what crap is Zach trying to pull, world changers? You have got to be kidding me!” but in all cheesiness this is truly what I believe and if you don’t like it, i don't care!
Nick Palmares
Per. 4
I think that Lenny Robinson does have it figured out, that just the average person can make a difference in someone's life and you dont have to be this superhero or this crime fighter figure to make a change. What Lenny did is amazing, he made these kids dreams a reality when there going through this horrible times, and to see an iconic figure like batman is life changing. His son was killed little after a bones marrow transplant, and with this huge event that has occured in his life it has opened his eyes to the possibility that anyone can die and can taken away from you just like that. he has provided hope and happiness for these kids that they havent seen inawhile and will make a difference and should be praised and applauded for his doing and is creating a better world for all of us. he has proven that there arnt and real superheores that will just save us but there are people who are amazing and who are willing to preform acts of kindess for not themselves but for others and do whatever they can to make a difference in somebodys life, and that is a true superhero in my eyes just like Lenny Robinson.
Anne, the minimum word count is 200 words. Please augment your response.
Alissa Maggard
Period 4
The subtle representation intrigues me, whether or not it was intended by Robinson. I’m no expert on the character of Batman himself, but I do know that he is one of the few super heroes without the possession of some supernatural gift. It was also the murder of his parents that caused him to start fighting crime. Batman has always been my favorite and how Robinson took on this role, with huge expenses at hand, just to be able to visit these sick and dying children really warms my heart. While he stated otherwise, I think he really is this world’s Batman. Like Bruce Wayne was motivated by the loss of his parents, Lenny Robinson was motivated by the children’s suffering to visit them personally and attempt to brighten their day. Like Bruce Wayne possessing no super power other than his own mortal strength and intellect, Lenny Robinson has changed so many lives when he started as just a simple father of three. So, yes, I do believe Robinson has got it right. Even though he had admirable resources, he proves that a simple, ordinary man has the capability to make a huge impact in a person’s, if not several, life. All we require is some creativity and the motivation to make that difference. While I can easily think of him and see him as Batman, he has proven to be one of his own title. Lenny Robinson has managed to prove me that he is truly a real world hero.
Lenny is doing a great thing and is in my mind a super-hero. Although he is not beating up evil villains he is still putting his body on the line by getting in the suit, he says he "looses five to six pounds in water weight." Unlike the fictional Batman however he does not have the same powers that the real Batman has. Also like Batman he is using his money to help people, although unlike Batman he was not born into a family worth millions. Instead he is just an average who wants to make a difference in the world by putting a smile on kids’ faces and handing out thousands of dollars in merchandise. He may not have the body or muscles to be Batman, but he has a super-hero attitude and also a super-hero amount of sacrifice by spending almost 500,000 dollars and spending his time with kids with cancer. He is in my mind better than the fictional super-heroes because he does not have any super powers, gadgets, money, or weapons, he is just an average guy doing super deeds.
I believe that Lenny Robinson is doing one of the most “super” things that a human can do: helping those in need. Unlike conventional, modern superheroes who aid the general populace by eliminating bad guys, this Batman is directly effecting change in these children’s lives. His selfless devotion to improving the mindset of terminally ill children could be considered life-saving. It does not matter whether his persona is fictitious to the children or not; for one afternoon they get to leave their illness behind and enjoy being a child. It has always been a goal of mine to attain a certain amount of wealth, not for my own personal gain, but for the charitable opportunities that it offers. I greatly admire the time, effort, and money that Robinson has put into this endeavor, for as he said, at the end of the day you need to be satisfied with what you have contributed to the world. Human fascination with the mythological “super being” delves deep into our own psychological need to be better than we are and when we have literary figures to look up to, that model of living seems more attainable. Robinson’s act of showing these children that they have someone super in their corner motivates them to fight harder, because in the end, they are the true superheroes.
Tristan Mauricio
Period 6
Yes I do believe Lenny Robison has it figured out, to change the world you must get to the children since they are the next generation. I love how he goes around to hospitals with disabled kids with terminal illnesses and cheers them up. I believe he gives them hope and in turn they fill the void of his lost son who probably had some sort of cancer since he died of a bone marrow transplant. The kids who he visits must be thrilled to see “Batman” pull up in his “Batmobile” and it is clear on their faces that they are excited. However I don’t think he would have visited those kids if his son had survived the treatment or have any illness at all. I think he would have been a worried parent and nothing else. But his efforts are indeed noble and his devotion admirable and those kids’ lives are a bit better mentally to get through their treatments. I think making a difference will have an effect on the world and we need people like Lenny and his wife to inspire the rest of us to do things for everyone who needs help.
I believe that Lenny Robinson is doing a great thing by enriching the lives of those in a children's hospital. He is setting a great example for many adults and children to follow. By dressing up a this iconic superhero he is able to put a smile on dozens of children’s faces, by taking the time to help the children by having them altogether and having a laugh and a smile. Although there are a handful of people who would watch the video and say he is doing a job well done and more people should help out like him but then would carry on with their lives. Those children wouldn't have that terrific smile on their face if that fateful event hadn't happened to Lenny's son. Some people only realize or start to help as soon as something happens to their child, as Lenny Robinson and his son. Sadly, if only people could see and help those organizations and foundations before they have their own experience with it, then the world could be a better place. Life is very precious, one moment you can be alive and happy and then your life can turn upside down and inside out.
Cynthia Arocan
period 6
Lenny Robinson definitely does have it figured out, that an average person can make a huge improvement in others’ lives. He proves that you do not have to have super powers unordered to be a "super" hero. What Lenny does is truly amazing. You do not come across to many people who are willing to spend thousands of dollars to make other people happy. He makes kids that are suffering feel better and laugh. It does not matter whether or not you have super powers, what makes you a true super hero are the actions he/she does to please others who are in great need of it. What makes him even more superior is the fact that he started this all because his son, at the age of seven passed away because a bone marrow Trans plant. He wanted to make the children in the hospital feel happy. What he does is incredible; he is giving these kids some hope. Lenny Robinson is a prime example of what a non-super hero, hero should be. There should be more people in the world like this; people should look at this as an ensample. Small acts of kindness can go a long way.
I believe that what Lenny Robinson is doing really is making a difference by touching children’s hearts that need and deserve an adventure by meeting their favorite superheroes. I can see that by helping children, even if your sweating in a custom-made Batman outfit, you still can help people. Its people like Lenny Robinson that makes me think: how can I make a difference? Robinson’s actions really prove that you can still be a hero without busting the bad guys and having the super powers, and yet still feel that you are really can make a difference. By spending hours helping kids live and relish their wildest dreams to where you are willing to spend thousands of dollars, Lenny really shows that he’s content in what he does, as he said: “It’s rewarding in a whole different way, just making that child smile. And if I only just touch one kid out of all this, then I know I’ve done something really successful.” I think that’s an accomplishment to be able to have a child forget his or her pains and problems so that they can be happy. I support and know that Lenny Robinson is proud of what he does and proves his point about making a difference in people’s lives, even if you aren’t the caped crusader himself.
Cammie Gelbuda
Period 4
Mr. Korling
I do believe that Lenny Robinson does have the “superhero” figured out, he is doing the right thing to make people believe that’ there is a superhero that would come to their rescue and stay by their side when and if they need it. Even though he is just a man in a batman suit does not just mean or he is being a copycat, it means that he is out there to touch in kids in need before they go away and they say “no one was here to love me”. I also believe that giving love to children that need it and who he has come in touch with may help them. Even though he is not going around and fighting off the bad people, he is still a hero in my opinion. Being a super-hero is not just the responsibility of killing/ fighting off the bad people, it is helping make those people who are not doing well and who also believe that somewhere out there that there is a batman, Spiderman, any other superhero that they could think of. Even though he is just walking around in a funny batman suit does not mean that he does not have a heart, and just want to make himself look cool, he is not doing it for that he is doing it for others. So I believe that he is doing the right thing and YES he is being a “SUPER-HERO”!!
-Josh Here
I think Lenny has it right. He knows of what a real superhero is, and that he can make difference by simply giving children a smile. Lenny may not be a crime fighting hero, but he fights another battle, a battle to make a difference in the lives of children by giving them the special joy that all children should by playing in their imaginations, even if they can't leave the hospital. Lenny's tale of his life may not be that great, but he made something out of it. His life also tells that we should appreciate what we have, before it's gone. Maybe even help others who have lost loved ones and make a difference in their life, instead of being another person running through life, not realizing your about to hit a brick wall face on, and regret what you have done throughout your life. Well, that's my two cents.
PS: Thor is cooler. Nuff said.
Cori Brunet
Indeed Robinson’s actions may not have occurred if his son were still alive. Even though Lenny’s heart might be broken every time he walks into a children’s hospital and is reminded of his son, he pushes through that pain. He did not allow himself to be so much of a victim that it crippled him. Instead he used that very heart-wrenching pain and personal experience as a stimulus to make a difference. Instead of dwelling on the pain of the situation, he focused on the fact was still alive and could still try and bring hope and joy to those that are still sick and still fighting. Lenny said “Sometimes you’re crying on the inside but you’re strong on the outside.” The man inside the batman superhero costume is indeed just a regular, non-super powered guy that (on the outside) stays strong. Lenny gives laughter and the hope of a brighter day. Maybe there LITERALLY isn’t a person flying around through the sky and a superhero in that sense, but amongst all the evil in the world, there are still those striving to make a positive difference. Those people are still lightweight superheroes in their own way. Some may attempt to put an end to the evil by going after the “bad guys” and some might instead help the hurt, helpless, and wounded. So I believe it is still completely necessary for there to remain a deep feeling of the need to make a positive change. Without it, who would be the soldiers fighting for our freedom, the doctors finding cures, the missionaries spreading the hope they have personally found, or the Lenny Robinsons bringing joy to undeservingly sick kids? There’s a kind of overused saying popular right now, YOLO, which means You Only Live Once. Corniness aside, this saying was popular before it was put in a rap song for an obvious but good reason; we are only given one life. More important is our decision of what we choose to do with it. Imagine if every person did selfless acts like Lenny’s with the pure motives. Like Lenny said, when you see what is going on, how can it not touch your heart? It is moving, and it is inspiring. When we see hurt and pain in the world or something that bothers us, we should do something about it. A person doesn’t necessarily have to go spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to make a positive difference in someone’s life. There are constantly daily opportunities that are often overlooked; whether it be talking or sitting with someone that looks lonely or volunteering at a homeless shelter. We are only given one life, so make it count. And tomorrow is never promised.
Tyler Pomeroy
per 6
I think that Lenny does have it perfect because he’s not about publicity, he’s not doing it for money, he’s doing it for the kids and to make them forget even for just an hour that their not trapped in a small hospital room while regular kids are complaining about how they’re going to die if they don’t get a little insignificant toy. I think that if more people were like Lenny the whole world would be radically different place because many kids feel like their different just because they are in a hospital all day and sadly maybe even the rest of their lives and all that time they are wishing for some “superman” or “batman” to swoop down and save them from the torture of having tons of tests and blood transfusions and other scary or unpleasant things that they have to put up with every day and when they see that black cape and the yellow bat signal it just makes them go wow that’s cool and they just forget all things that are troubling them. I think Lenny got the idea of a super hero perfect super heroes shouldn’t be concerned about people in the streets that are going to be hurt but should be focused on the kids that are dying or may die in hospitals around their world because it would make the kids short but meaning full lives better, and in the end of the day you do ask yourself what did I do today, did I make a good difference to society or was I below par was I a jerk.
A hero by definition is someone, especially in children's comic books and television cartoons, possessing extraordinary, often magical powers. But in my view it's not the "heroes" that actually save the day, but give us hope. Lenny Robinson isn't trying to save the day, even though some of the kids might feel like he saved theirs, but he is trying to give those kids hope. Hope is the strongest feeling, even stronger than fear. It can change someones life, and to those kids it made them see that maybe there is a chance for them. But what this story really made me think of was the 9/11 picture Mr. Korling showed us, with superman looking up at all the firemen, police, medics, and ect. You don't need to be some all powerful God-like creature to make a difference, really all you need is a heart and the will to help. Mr. Robinson is doing something great, that will change the way those kids see the world and if everyone acted in the same mind set then maybe the world would be different and safer. But then again it would make an act like this seem so trivial that it wouldn't matter. In my own opinion, Lenny IS the hero the story books need.
Krizelle DeGuzman
Lenny Robinson is most definitely a modern hero as I'm sure we can all agree. He used the success of his business to spread some happiness to those who need it most and it is all worth it to him because of the smiles he receives from the children from what he does. It is people like Lenny who show the rest of the world how to make an impact on society without having super strength, flying, or any super power at all really. He made an impact by doing something that is very tiring to him and may seem a little silly to everyone else but sets a good example for the future generation as well as other adults. Lenny Robinson is the perfect example of an ordinary man who had a life changing experience that decided to spread some happiness and give some hope to kids in the hospital. I think Lenny really is the closest thing to a real Batman as someone can get. The cartoon Batman did not have super powers like everyone else and neither does Lenny. They both just want to do the right thing. A hero doesn't need an evil villain to fight to be a hero. A real hero would just make a positive difference in the world with or without being recognized for it.
Lenny Robinson definitely has the right idea and has his heart in the right place. Although he cannot fly, nor does he fight evil villains on a daily basis, but he cuts straight to the end result, which is saving the day. By dressing up like Bat-man, Lenny gives the children the gift of meeting their favorite super hero in person. Along with his outfit and car, Lenny gives away coloring books, glasses, t-shirts, and hats all equating to $25,000 per year, but he goes on to say that it’s not about the money, it’s only about making the kids smile. Lenny is fine with making only one child happy as long as he made someone happy. Lenny even hopes to expand his good deeds beyond Washington to the rest of the world. He is much like an actual super hero, beyond the obvious costume, in that he continually gives to children and the only thing he asks for in return is that we try to make a change. If we all tried to be more like Lenny and wanted to put a smile on everyone’s face then our world would not be as screwed up as it is today. We really need more Lennys in our world.
I personally feel that Lenny Robinson’s actions completely embody that of the cultural icon of a superhero if not surpassing it entirely. Comparatively speaking Lenny may not be able to fly through the air nor has super strength but with his actions he has one of the finest super abilities an individual could possibly posses, he has the ability to allow those children to smile, laugh and most of all be a kid again. Lenny has made the first and most crucial step in making superheroes a reality. Even though some of the older kids did know that Lenny Robinson was not in fact batman they did know that who ever it was under that mask, that they truly wanted to make a difference and to them he is as real as a superhero could be. Lenny does however have the power to save lives, by taking these terminally ill children out of a “sick mindset”, and into that of peace and happiness. Now that Lenny has taken this initiative into his own hands he has given hope to not only those children but has given us the responsibility and the means to truly make a difference in the world.
Lenny Robinson definitely has figured out how to bring a mythical superhero to life for the benefit of others. He is doing something truly wonderful and is inspiring others to follow in his footsteps. We have learned this year about many different heroes (like Superman, Gilgamesh, Horus, etc.) and even though they are just stories, they give people hope for a better future. The same can be said about Lenny Robinson. Although he is not really Batman, he has put in the time, energy, and the huge amounts of money, into giving these sick children a hero and a hope for the future not matter how grim it looks. He has found a way to bring the "superhero" to life and his actions are very admirable. He states towards the end of the video “Remember, at the end of the day, ask yourself, ‘Self, did I make a difference?’ And the answer had better be yes.” This quote and his actions of kindness are the most selfless things a person could do. The point of the hero figure in hero stories is to put others before yourself even if you gain no reward. This message is meant to inspire people into helping other people without expecting anything in return. However, it is often lost in society because there is no personal gain. However, making a difference in someone else's life is clearly the biggest and most important reward someone could ever get. In today's society there are so many bad and sick things that people do so it is very refreshing to see that there are still people like Robinson who do this out of the goodness of their heart. Even we, as normal citizens spend more of our time worrying about our own lives and going online(myself included) than trying to make a positive impact on a person who really needs it. What Lenny Robinson is doing is truly inspiring and although he may not be able to cure the kids he is giving them love and most importantly hope.
Edith Chavez
April 19 2012
Period 4
I think Lenny does have it right. He is himself in a way a superhero though he has no power most would consider "super", I think he is though because there are few people who would really try to make a difference in someone's like he is. Sure he has the money for this, but the amount of weight he loses each time he wears the costume has to be regained somehow, meaning he makes a huge effort just for these kids and is doing it not because he has the money but the heart to brighten up their day. Superheroes are symbols of hope, that better future is possible or, in the case for many of the kids Lenny helps, that the possibility of having a future is still there. He devotes himself to making kids happy by having "Batman" come in to say hi and give them stuff so they can be reminded of him and reminded of hope. Even for those kids who realize there is no actual Batman and that it's a guy in a costume, he is still a symbol of hope for them because he shows there are people who care for them and they are special. That is his "superpower", which he gained by the life changing event of the death of his son just as most mythical superheroes gained their superpowers through some life changing event.
When we hear the word “super hero”, we automatically think of flying men with capes that always fight off the evil villains and seem to be there when we need the day to be saved. But what we don’t realize is that there is much more than just that, it is also being able to help those in need and I believe that Lenny Robinson has done just that. Playing the role of batman, Lenny is able to touch the hearts of many ill children in hospitals all over. Knowing that it’s not how much is spent on his costume or car that helps these children realize they are not alone, but about coming for the kids and knowing he is making a difference in their lives. As Robinson states, “It’s rewarding in a whole different way, just making that child smile. And if I only just touch one kid out of all this, then I know I’ve done something really successful.” The children in the hospital of course know that this man standing in front of them is not really batman, but to be able to bring the magic of batman to put a smile on these kid’s faces and to help them forget the problems they are suffering and overcome illnesses is what is really important. I believe that the “Hope for Henry Foundation” is such a good foundation to support. It leaves families knowing that they are not alone, and that life can be pulled away from you at any time. The tragic death of Lenny’s son at a very young age is what pushed this man to get into his “superhero” mode to literally swoop in and save the day. And to Lenny, sometimes you’re crying on the inside but you have to show that you’re strong on the outside. So to know that Lenny Robinson is here to prove his point is what touches the hearts of many.
Everyone needs a hero. They need someone to give them hope when it appears all hope is lost. This longing for a miracle is shown through ancient and modern day myths. Although these “heroes” only exist in our imagination, they illustrate our secret dreams and wishes for a true, tangible superman. Lenny Robinson is the perfect example of a hero, transforming fantasies into realities. By dressing up as Batman, well-known to so many children today, Lenny brings hope to kids with despair (such as terminally ill patients), saving the day. He is in every aspect a “super” hero—I mean, he has a Batmobile for crying out loud!:) Not only does Lenny have the inner qualities of a hero, but he also has the physical appearance of one, making it all the more fun for the children. It is clear the difference he is making when you see the smile on the children’s beaming faces. One of “Batman’s” most endearing gifts he can give is distraction. These kids are fighting for their lives—constantly being reminded of their situation. When Lenny is around, he brightens their day and shows them how to be strong. Lenny is an inspiration; it is best said when he states, “Remember, at the end of the day, ask yourself, ‘Self, did I make a difference?’ And the answer had better be yes.”
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For all of you who have responded, thank you for your thoughts. If you did not make your word count, please go back and augment your initial response, but before you do, please read through some of the responses by your peers. Cori, your response was especially well-considered and very well-developed. Thank you all!
Since ancient times mythologies have been used to fill voids in peoples in lives and bring solace to people in perilous times. As time progresses so do the mythologies because they have to be repackaged in order to captivate the next generation. The world is a dark place and because of that people feel hopeless, so they have a deep need for a super hero to come and make their problems disappear. Lenny Robinson has taken the initiative of being a super hero. He saw the injustices in the world and decided to take action and make differences in peoples lives. Lenny Robinson might not have have super powers but his actions and dedication to the terminally ill children secure him as a super hero. A super hero is not defined by his powers but by the actions as a person. Lenny Robinson has been successful at becoming a super hero because he has used his available powers for good. Lenny Robinson spends 25,000 dollars a year on Batman merchandise that he gives to to sick children and spent 250,000 dollars on his bat mobile. Lenny Robinson’s power is money and he has chosen to use his power to do good things in the world. A true super hero sees that they have a invaluable asset and makes a choice to either pursue their own self gain with power or make a difference in the world. Lenny Robinson decided that he was going to use his power to bring hope to sick children instead of spending that money on himself. Lenny Robinson is a real life super hero and is a bright beacon in a dark world.
word count:277
Amanda Jerd
Period 6
No, in my opinion, Lenny Robinson did not quite get the “super” in superhero correct. A superhero should be strong, brave, smart, loyal, and all the other attributes that we give to superheroes, but the most important thing a superhero needs is the ability to be inspiring and Batman was not the correct choice. By going to see these sick children, it may make some of them happy, but it will be a fleeting moment of joy and then a time of reflection that will depress the children further. Also, Batman was not necessarily the best superhero to choose because of his stalker-like persona. After listening to songs and putting a creeper perspective on them, having someone say “I’m watching (out for) you,” does not make me feel safe. In fact I feel a little disturbed. As for visiting terminally ill children, a better character to choose would have been Wolverine. Because of his origins as a sick child, kids would relate more to him and perhaps be given hope by the fact that he is an over comer. When children see Batman, many think, “cool,” but once the big tough man leaves, they may well sit there comparing themselves to him, wondering to themselves why they aren’t like him or why he cannot help them. Because superheroes are not real and cannot save in real life as well as the wrong choice of Batman, Mr. Robinson did not find the right way to exemplify a human superhero.
Anne Broussard
do believe that Lenny Robinson has the right idea, no there are not any "true" super heros, but there are true super humans, Lenny Robinson is a true superhuman. All anyone needs is hope, and he is giving that hope to the kids he goes and visits in the hospital. He makes those children smile with his very presents, giving them hope that maybe one day that he can save them. Making them feel safe even if it is for just a moment in time. I agree with Kealani that he must have had an event that changed his path and made him want to do something that would change the world around him for a greater good. What Lenny Robinson is doing is amazing, he should be praised, and he is an extraodinary man making the world a better place every day. Though this is an amzing thing--this could be be a bad thing because it is almost like giving these children with deathly illnesses a false sense of hope. They might believe that he, the superhero, will be able to save them and he cant. Superheroes are not real, they cannot really save someone from an uncertain death and these children do not know this because they had been visited by their favorite superhero who is there to save their families and them.
Annelise Rank
Period 4
Your question is, "Does Lenny Robinson have it figured out, how to make the superhero super in real sense?" My answer to that, is;
I believe Lenny Robinson may not have everything figured out, but he has one thing figured out, he knows how to make a difference in someone's life, and how to put a smile on someone's face. He definetly knows how to make the superhero super in real life, because he has the traits of every good super hero out there, but in real life! I think he has every hero trait that kids find so cool in their favorite animated super heros. Lenny Robinson is a leader, and does what is right. I think he has the ability to make the superhero super in real life, because he chose the most realistic superhero, batman. Batman doesn't have super powers, and neither does Lenny. I really do believe that Lenny has the ability to make a superhero super in real sense because he goes from place to place, doing nothing but good, making families happy, and portraying a really nice and helpful man. Yeah, he might be making up the fact that he's batman but to some kids he really is their batman, and yes he may get some kid's hopes up because they think that he can REALLY help them, but I think for the most part the kids use him as a distraction and he gices them words of encouragement- I don't think they get stuck on the thoughts thinking that he can actually HEAL them. But to answer your question, I do believe that Lenny Robinson has the answer to making a superhero super in real life, yes, he does.
Not saying it is a good thing that his son died but if he didn't then he wouldn't of had a motivation/reason to start the foundation "Hope For Henry". I do believe that obviously his heart in the right place and that he has enough strength to hold back his tears every time he visits those hospitals because he is then reminded of why he is even doing this foundation and I would imagine it hurts a lot for him to visit those hospitals. But it must be beyond rewarding to him when his actions puts a smile on those kids faces. When he gives them presents, love and a visit from "Batman" that come to "save" those children. I believe that he is doing is really caring (which is a given) because he understands the position those parents are in and how they feel about their kids, because he was once there in their shoes experiencing the same tragedy they face with their kids. Life is so short and you have to make every day county by doing what you can to make a difference, it's cheesy but it's the truth. Everyone should have someone to look up too and admire.
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