In the spirit of the holidays, I thought it would be fun and diverting to consider the full implication of some of the modern storyline versions of long-established fictional characters and how they might intersect and generate new storylines based on those overlapping narratives. I, of course, cannot help but find immense humor and gratification in the above example of such an overlap, and I am curious what your response would be. I have not and in all likelihood will not watch or read any of these Twilight films or books (life is too short for that), but I can still appreciate the abiding humor in the following image because I do know about Blade. Is this how the Twilight saga should have ended?
How Twilight Should Have Ended...
Well, if this picture were true do you realize how many fan girls would be crushed? Because obviously Blade would be able to take down the Cullens, even though they act macho they would not stand a chance. I think there is a reason Stephine Myers did not put Vampire Hunters in Twilight, the Cullens would be crushed. When I think of Vampires I think of the ones who can't come out during the day. The ones that have to STAY HIDDEN and not fall in love with a girl after FIRST SIGHT. I just don't see how that works, maybe my brain isn't wired that way. Maybe I am just not a romantic (although I love romance stories i.e. Dear John). After my "mini rant" the point I was trying to make was; that the Cullens compared to other Vampires are kinda like babies. This is my opinion and mine alone, I don't intend it to be a jab at someone else's thoughts they are just what I think would happen.
Lena Rohde
Period 4
As a rational human being I do believe that this is how Twilight should have ended. The contrast between Stephanie Meyer's cast of characters and the traditional vampire folklore, in my eyes, mocks the long established role of vampires in great literature, from the work of Bram Stoker to Anne Rice. On the other hand, if one views the function of the Twilight Saga as a means to become fabulously wealthy, then I believe it is a success. Despite my recognition of the Twilight franchise as utterly hilarious, I am still a hormonal teenage girl and find myself spending my money to see the story's latest installment. However, if Blade did collide with Twilight, I would find that exponentially more entertaining. The extremely feminine vampires of Twilight could definitely use a good dose of masculinity that Blade would definitely provide, along with the prediction that he would totally kick their asses. Blade would probably rationalize their murder by presenting the fact that although the Cullens are not evil, they are a pathetic insult to his kind. As the plot and ending of Twilight is extremely formulaic and predictable, this clash of the vampires would definitely be more satisfying.
Brynn Villa
Period 6
How Twilight should’ve ended….
I may have enjoyed the movie and the series but honestly I think it should’ve ended in that way because it is HISTARICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Twilight films are so serious but this just makes it hilarious and entertaining. To see Edward Cullen fight Blade and die would be like a dream come true. If Blade were to ever come against Edward Cullen alone, Edward would run crying to his mommy and then explode. Now if Blade were to ever go against the whole Cullen family, he would still win. I am very entertained by this picture and I know that many other people are too (considering my uncle showed me the picture earlier). Many people would be overjoyed to see Twilight end in this way (including me).
Amanda Jerd
Period 6
(WARNING: I have never watched/read anything pertaining to Twilight, and never shall.)
Although I did not understand the whole Blade vs. Cullens picture at first, after talking about it in class, I understand and find it HILARIOUS! I think that is how Twilight should have ended because, in my opinion, Twilight is stupid and a waste of time to watch. It is also overly dramatic and excentric... (vampires vs. humans vs. werewolves???!) If this were how it ended, I would think it was extremely funny, because the producers would have "wasted" all the previous movies and books to get people excited about the death of the "hero and heroine." Many of the fans would be devastated, especially those from Team Edward. The only other reason I think this is how Twilight should have ended is because Taylor Lautner is much much much more attractive than sparkling Robert Pattinson (yes, I had to look that up...:))
Hailey Wall
Period 4
I am unfamiliar with the Twilight movies (I did, however, attempt reading the first Twilight book—until vampires entered the love story). I am not a fan of vampires in general, but if I DID have to watch a vampire movie, I would prefer it to involve a love story of some sort. Although Blade may be a “traditional” vampire, he sounds malicious and gruesome. I do not think this would be a better ending to the Twilight movies.
I have been aware of the Twilight series for quite some time and never took the time to read or watch any of the movies. Until recently when a group of people and myself attempted to go see the new Harold and Kumar movie, but after failing in our persute of immense joy through Harold and Kumar’s stupidity, I ended up paying for my “Man Card” to be taken away from me and went to see Twilight. After viewing this massively enlightening movie I have come to see the Vampires in a new light. By introducing Blade into the end of the Twilight Saga and having him completely slaughter all of those prissy Vampires would give them an unjustly end, and kill the entire Series. I see how this would be a great achievement for all of the Twilight hatters in the world, not to name names (STEVEN), but if that were to happen I would never know what happens to Bella, Edward or their new Vampire/ Human baby thing. So I object the whole idea of implementing Blade into the movie because in doing so I would never get to see the vampires or werewolves ever again.
Fight the ever growing stereotype of guy and their hatred toward Twilight, Via La Resistance!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cynthia Arocan
period 6
How Twilight Should Have Ended... I have read all of the books and seen all of the movies and i wouldn't say I am overly obsesive over this whole series. I mean they were good books and decent movies but you know there's something a bit off when vampires sparkle in the sun light. I think it would have been hilarious if it ended like the picture portray. More people would get a laugh out of it if it ended with Blade coming in and just slaughtering the Cullens and bella because shes just super annoying. But To make this ending even better, is to have Blade being a different actor such as Channing Tatum ( super sexy guy). That would be the perfect ending to Twilight.
Paul Barroga
Period 6
As the son of a single mother, I have unfortunately watched the first three Twilight films. I think this is how the Twilight series should have ended. Having it being ended with Blade fighting the "vampires" would probably be the only highlight of the movie to those who think that Twilight is stupid and would probably have the boyfriends of girls who are dragging them along not as reluctant to see the movie, as Blade is beating the vampires to a pulp with his katana and various bladed weapons(well actually that would be more like mutilation...).
I'll let Mr. Jack White finish my comment: http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly7r96W4fm1qcx6bio1_500.gif
I am going to be entirely blunt when I say this,(and I am really ashamed about it, mind you)but I have read the entire series, including the short novella, and even had a short-lived bout of obsession. Now before Mr. Korling starts throwing rotten tomatoes at me,which I would not enjoy,I would like to mention that one should at least consider the saga for a moment. I finally gave in to the overwhelming majority about a year ago,and it actually was not as horrible as it first appeared to be. Anyways, onto the frame story. I agree with Missy in stating that fangirls would be crushed by such a photo, and if I myself were a "Twihard" as many people refer to them as, I would be a little upset. I do not know very much about Blade; however it does not appear at all similar(aside from the rather "interesting" muders)to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which I am slightly more familiar with. So personally, I do not believe that Twilight deserves to be ended this way. And all in all, I feel that this crossover is probably best left to be settled between sqealing fangirls and hardcore Blade fans, which would definitely make for one of the most entertaining showdowns of the century. Believe me, superfans of any show or book will rip any who oppose their viewpoint in a derogatory manner to shreds in the blink of an eye.
For the short rendition of Twilight 'How it should have ended' Is a mockery of what would have happened if this were the real deal. I personally found the first movie extra cheesy like a bad made pizza, and I can't even put into words how much I dislike that movie. I didn't find the rendition funny either. I am more into humor than poorly made comics with cheap jokes. Granted, yes it would have been more realistic if that is how it ended, but it didn't end that way. And I think it's disrespectful to the director, all of the crew, and the writer of the book to mock what they have all worked so hard on. I don't really know what else to say on this issue. So i'll end my prattle with that.
If you know me, you know that I’m not a crazy fan of vampires, or them falling in love with humans (makes no sense to me), or movies. I have not seen any Twilight (ugh) movies or read any books; I personally just don’t like it at all. But if there were vampires at all in a movie, it had to be from some legendary comic series containing a character called Blade. When I first saw the Twilight picture I thought it was FUNNY, but only for the joke of it cause it would be a very short movie (the vampires wouldn’t have a chance). There probably would be only one Twilight (ugh) movie instead of 3(? I don’t try to keep track) if Blade was in the picture. Who knows, maybe the presence of a famous comic book superhero might actually make a movie better accepted by most of us guys. I really don’t have a major passion for choosing a side, cause I don’t really watch too many movies or care how many of them sell; I guess you could say I’m in the middle. Unless I get begged or majorly paid, I probably won’t see the movies. Just sayin’.
Since I'm not a fan of the Twilight series, my interpretation isn't a very strong one; here is what I think-
When Bella got bit by the long haired blond dude, Edward should have turned her to a vampire right then. He was kind of thinking of himself when saying he didn't want her to become a monster- because she was in so much pain at the time it would have been smart to just let her become one, and then let the pain be done with and not make her have to become one later, I guess. I see how he wasn't being selfish though, because he knows what it's like to be a vampire himself. If Edward loves Bella as much as he professes then why wouldn't he have turned her into a vampire sooner? Was it just to keep the series going on longer? This video could be a good ending, but I'm sure it would have crushed many "Twihards" in the process. It was kind of a funny ending though, seeing Edward try to be all serious when fighting- his eyes all huge, and the music in the background made it completely cheesy- if this were the ending it wouldn't be any different than any of the other movie's endings, to me they are all cheesy!! Just throwing it in there... I saw the part 1 of Breaking Dawn and the ending was so cheesy I wanted my money back. Well these are my thoughts on how the movie should have ended.
I suppose I'll go along with the common trend of "How Twilight Should Have Ended...".
While I was almost red in the face from the hilarity of the video, I don't think that should have been exactly how it ended. I think it should have ended with some extremely blunt character from another series entering the scene and showing those vampires the reality that, despite their "couple hundred years of experience", they are still the six basic teenage stereotypes that could be found in the average high school and are not those special snowflakes they imagine themselves to be.
Edward: The poetic yet extremely depressing boy who does nothing but complain about himself to get compliments from others. But he's absolutely gorgeous with FABULOUS hair, so it's okay.
Rosalie: Miss princess/head cheerleader dating the football captain/general student that makes people fear high school with a passion. A witch with revenge issues. Don't even think about touching that Gucci purse of her's.
Emmett: The dunderhead football team captain who really can't seem to keep it in his pants. All the blood seems to flow from his brain to his muscles.
Jasper: The emo boy who won't stop pressing his hair down and in front of his eyes. He's just misunderstood and no one in this horrible world will ever get the pain he goes through when he can't afford skinny jeans.
Alice: The hyperactive pixie who won't stop bouncing off the walls or smiling. God forbid you give her sugar.
Had they all come to this self realization, I believe issues could have been easily resolved instead of wasting an entire novel on it. All of these things such as Bella becoming an adrenaline-junkie just to see her creeper ex-boyfriend make a passionate attempt to stop her("....bella.....no....stop...fine, go ahead, if you really want to...") could have been avoided had Edward not gone into one his self hatred moods of "I'M THE SPAWN OF THE DEVIL, OMG, DON'T LOOK AT ME." because a character with some common sense of reality showed them how their existence is not that horrible.
I love how much fun all of you are having with this...that is totally what I wanted, to just give you something fun to go off on. I have to say, though, that Paul, your introduction, that just killed me! I was laughing my head off as I kept reading. Your humor was so deadpan and subtle. Hilarious! And Weston, it is not Via la revolution, that would translate as "Way the revolution", which does not make sense, unless, of course, you are simply being a "dude" who intersperses all of his commentary with "way." It is Viva la revolution, "Long live the revolution." I also love all of the modern jargon like "Twihards" and the like that pepper these rants. Carry on, my spider-monkeys, carry on!
Krizelle DeGuzman
Well honestly I have read all the Twilight books and have watched almost all of the Twilight movies but the movies stink anyways and I think they should have just died. It would have made it a whole lot better. So yeah a bunch of girls would be crushed when the Cullens died but that is perfectly ok because I'm sure they only like their pretty faces. And all the guys who were forced to watch these movies by girls in their lives would probably enjoy vampires getting destroyed. PLUS the werewolves are so much better than the vampires :) (Team Jacob!) Though I do enjoy the books (sorry) I would still think it would be hilarious for the Cullens to die because of Blade considering how serious the books/movies are.
PS, why are vampires glittery/glistening in the sun anyways??
Jessica Wirth
Period 4
Although I have read the books and seen some of the movies, I have come to realize that Twilight's interpretation of vampires is a complete sham compared to the traditional vampires that people have been writing about for hundreds of years. Twilight's vampires are over dramatic and constantly complain as to being "stuck" or "frozen" in a life they did not want. Although they do have some characteristics of vampires(ex: drinking blood), they have become a mockery of what a vampire is supposed to represent. Also, many other authors have somehow drawn inspiration from these books and there has been a huge rise of vampire novels in the past few years, none of which involve any traditional vampires but rather imitate the features of Stephanie Meyer's cast. If Blade did come across the Twilight's vampires, I'm sure the result would be hilarious and bring many tears to the eyes of fanatical Twilight fans
Period 4
As the incarnation of Captain America, I have never watched nor read the un-manly and just plain weird series that they call “Twilight.” I absolutely believe that my Marvel buddy Blade should have executed those poor excuses for Vampires. Not only would that have made me read the series, but it also would have made me enthusiastic when watching the movies. I can only imagine the insane violence that would ensue if Blade actually did join the cast of Twilight and I laugh when thinking about how Edward would try to defend Bella only to be mutilated by Blade’s sheer awesomeness. I am offended that Weston did not include me in the haters list, but it’s ok because he is not a man anyways:-)…….
P.S. Weston, be more like Paul.
Anne Broussard
How Twilight Should Have Ended...
Personally, I love the Twilight Saga Novels, they are insightful, fun, and an easy read. Stephanie Myer created a world where these vampires could live amongst humans in a somewhat peaceful manor.
Although, turning these books into movies was a horrendous idea, the idea of sparkling vampires in the sun light is a very far fetched idea--in the novels it was hard to accept the idea that these vampires sparkled, (I have an issue with reading books where the characters have weird names or stories about monsters/vampires/ect so reading the books of the Twilight Series was very uncharacteristic of myself)The movies were horrible, so I do believe that this is the way the movie version should have ended.
How Twilight should have ended? I have never watched the movies or read the books for blade or the Twilight series, although I believe from the comments I have heard about both that this would be an appropriate ending for vampires and vampire slayers. The addition of blade would change the predictable romance into an unpredictable romance, or adventure, or horror. It would not only be funny, it would probably be profitable, knowing that there are many Twilight haters. This addition of blade would add men to the theater, knowing that most reasonable men would not spend 30$ on a chick flick, although if there was killing....
How Twilight should have Ended…
…Should it have even begun?? I’m happy to see that some of those in my grade find the Twilight franchise as ridiculous as I do (the characters are just so socially awkward, and those actors definitely match their characters). Although I have never read the books, it seems to me as if the author tried to put a modern twist on such a notorious figure much like other movies, TV shows and books have. Adding other polar-opposite characters like Blade into the mix of these damp and lifeless vampires (get it… lifeless?) would completely disrupt the “natural” order in… and it would end up being hysterically funny. It is hard to transform such observed characters or ideas into something so contrasting to what it originally was, and this idea FAILED!!! The author did not have to use vampires in her book, and couldn’t they have possibly recruited actors without personality disorders?? (they should also kill the weird and bizarre storylines...maybe come up with a new premise altogether..) This may have helped the franchise to become a little more inspired and even more universal. MAYBE…
Due to the fact that I am a completely normal male teen, I do not understand or enjoy the Twilight books or movies. I have only seen the first Twilight movie, which was completely pointless, and I do not plan on watching the rest. Twilight is simply an over-dramatic and sad attempt at cinema. The fictional drama mostly attracts an audience of teenage girls. Form what I have heard Twilight only gets worse.
At the polar opposite is Blade. Blade is a vampire movie with well-placed action and accurate depictions of vampires (vampires having no conscious). Being half human and half vampire, Blade has all the vampire strengths and none of their weaknesses, except for the thirst for blood. In an attempt for revenge, Bladed kills any vampires that he comes in contact with. In addition to better action, Blade does not consist of glistening vampires that can exist in sunlight or over-dramatic acting.
If the paths of Blade and Twilight were to cross, the only thing to come of it is complete confusion. Blade would wonder why these vampires are living in sunlight and not eating humans. The characters of Twilight would wonder why a scary guy in leather and dark glasses is trying to kill them with a sword. Inevitably, they would fight to the death. After fighting for a while, Twilight would gain the upper hand and miraculously Blade would win (most likely all of the Twilight characters would trip on the same loose board all at once or something like that). Bella (the really pale girl), wanting attention and to be dramatic, would sit in her room staring out a window and not moving for a year. After killing off the vampires in the area, Blade would realize werewolves live there, too. Then more death, drama, and more dumb guys with their shirts off at unnecessary moments (like when it is 20 degrees below freezing and it’s raining). In all seriousness, if Wesley Snipes (Blade) were to make an appearance in one of the Twilight movies, it would cause the downfall of his career. Over all the collision of Blade and Twilight would not make a good summer blockbuster, it would be terrible.
I don't like Twilight.
How Twilight Should Have Ended.....I personally have not seen any of the movies and or read any of the books. I think Blade would be an excellent addition to the story. He seems very intimidating and tough. It would be very entertaining to see how the vampires react to a vampire hunter. There has always been something odd about the "glistening vampires"anyway. Bella, who unfortunately has the same name as me, is extremely annoying and i would not mind if she was killed. I agree with some of my classmates that if Blade was attractive it would be even more exciting. This would definitely be a better ending to the Twilight series.
Cammie Gelbuda
Period 4
How Twlight should have ended: I have not read the books at all but I have seen the movies, which I like them. Some of them are chessy and yes Twlight can be stupid. Twlight should have Blade in the movie because he is a Vampire slayer and he sould be added because he would not be the only people after the vampires. He would make the movie/books more interesting. The movie/books would also be better if Blade was more attractive, and Bella would be in love with Blade. And than she would led him to where all the vampire hang out. The End
Tristan Mauricio
Period 6
Yes I do believe that the twilight series would be very interesting if Blade had come along during the series no matter how messed up it would be. I cannot imagine how people would react to this, my guess is that they would either be shocked or die of laughter. If i had seen this strange matchup I know I would have been laughing hysterically since I’m a male and find it funny to see a vampire slayer take out the Cullen clan without mercy. However if the fans of the series had seen this drama turned would be comedy of the year they would just be petrified and shocked. But I have a question, what will happen to the werewolves after all the vampires are gone? Will they be hunted down just like the vampires?
Sonia Mendonca
Period 4
How Twilight Should Have Ended...
For someone who has actually read every book (even though it took me a while to do this, probably all of eighth grade. And also I must remind you this was the “coolest” book to read at the time) and has watched every movie that has come out I honestly think that yes, Twilight should of ended this way. In my personal opinion, I absolutely love these kinds of lovey dovey books, forbidden love, and anything else you could think of to do with that category. But I think it would be ten times more interesting to the audience if Blade were to have destroyed the Cullen family. Imagine how the amount of people that will actually see this movie because of its ending! I personally don’t care if he kills Edward because I am not part of this “Team Edward” junk, if I had to choose it I would go for werewolves. Not having the slightest clue who Blade is, other than him being a vampire sleigher from a comic book, I really feel like he could have taken on the whole vampires. But then would this mean he is taking sides with the werewolves? So maybe instead of Edward having a vampire baby with Bella at the end, she would have werewolf babies… Well when I think of vampires, I don’t at all think about them the way Stephanie Myers describes them in the book. She speaks of them as if they are these beautiful creatures that glitter in the sunlight and have powers such as mindreading and telling the future. I think of them as these bloody creatures that will just burst into flames when it touches sunlight and will suck your blood and kill you whether they are madly in love with you or not (also what every other traditional vampire movie will teach you). So yes, of course Blade could take them on because he is the best VAMPIRE hunter- hence the vampire part. I say that they should make a movie with this new ending.
Merrick, I like how you just straight up said, "I don't like Twilight" after posting that long post, haha.
Edith Chavez
Period 4
I hate Twilight so much because of my mom made me read the books (but not the last one since I was about to throw up after the third) and my little sister (who is way too young for this trash) forced me to watch the movies, although I watched the last movie because of the terrible friends I have (DON’T EVEN DARE TAKE ME TO THE PART TWO BECAUSE I WILL BE TWICE AS BAD!!!). Due to this terrible and painful past that Twilight has given me, I truly do wish this is how it had ended because I think if Blade was to suddenly pop up in Twilight, he would kill the Cullens and Bella. Blade would kill them for being so stupid all the time though, not because they are vampires. All the sparkly vampires in Twilight are really just whiny, melodramatic teenagers dreamt up by some author who doesn’t know how to write about something better than the fantasies she probably has at night. I don’t see how these books can even be liked by anyone (I shall try not to judge those who do like them, but no promises) being that they make me feel sick to my stomach and the characters all seem pretty shallow and without any real depth. The mere thought of Twilight makes me feel sick actually… I can’t rant anymore, the thought of it is too horrible…
steven fraser
I shamelessly admit i have seen all of the god awful twilight movies on the sole account that my mom would pay for a movie of my chosening whenever i felt the need to go. I must admit i find the idea of introducing blade into the story commpletly and utterly hilarious. just imagining those stupid girly vampires trying to stop the awsomeness that is blade is fairly comical. i am also overcome with laughter when i think of all the stupid twihards(WESTON) who will cry thier eyes out we blade finally ends edwards pathetic existence.that alone would be worth seeing.
P.S. weston your man card has officaly been put on probation along with greg's
steven fraser
i will admit twilight is not my favorite movie and am sad to say I've seen it. i would find it funny if blade were to come in and just all out slaughter the vampires. seeing as how the vampires in this series are not that strong. the fact that these vampires can call themselves vampires even though they can go out in the sunlight without dying. after seeing the underworld vampires compared to these glistening vampire type things, it shows how weak they are.
blade would easily be able to come in kill them and walk away without a scratch.
Cori Brunet
Personally, I don’t keep up with any of the Twilight stuff, but I’ve seen the first and last movie. To my understanding, Blade is a vampire slayer from the Matrix movies? I’m not even sure if that’s right. I wasn’t here the day this was discussed in class. All I know is Bella chose Edward, the fugly, feminine vampire over freaking Taylor Lautner. That’s ridiculous. I don’t mean that in a shallow way based just on his looks (though they are lovely), but she also would have a better life with Taylor and wouldn’t have to give up her soul (or whatever) and family and friends to be with him. It was so sad in the last movie when she had to go leave her dad to go be with fugly boy, and she couldn’t even tell her own dad what was going on. AND Taylor Lautner cried. That about did it for me. I know I’m rambling, so I’ll just finish it with this: I think Edward being killed by Blade would be a great alternate ending to this ridiculous series. And then Bella could go to a mental institution for her psychotic and freakish blood-drinking, vampire-lusting ways. I’d be down for Taylor Lautner, and WE could live happily ever after, as mortals, like regular human beings, and not in some stupid-butt town named after an eating utensil in Washington. Cali Baby. The End.
*No offense to anyone who likes the Twilight series.*
Evelyn Pantoja
Period 6
I have read the entire series a couple years ago. Honestly I don’t care what anyone thinks about Twilight so I’ll just say this: At that time it wasn’t as horrible as I thought it would be but it still was pretty bad at parts. Why I continued reading?…I have no idea. Now that I look back…what the heck was I thinking? Stupid me…I could have played video games or something instead of reading books for hours… ehh fail. xD. I simply don’t even care about Twilight BUT, simply imagining all of THEM being killed in seconds is freakin hilarious. All I can think of is at the very end of the series, while they’re all happy, enjoying their ‘lives’ and Blade showing up simply wiping them all out without mercy. Their ‘lives’ would be a complete waste and there would have been no point of Twilight at all. Would suck for the people who spent all that time reading and were actually enjoying it, super excited for the ending…then they flip to the last page…and…yeah...yayyyy. Oh and as for the wolfiez…I have no idea what would happen to them at that point. Jacob crying over Bella? And…so, yeah. I agree, epic ending...wooo.
I think the whole "Team Jacob" and "Team Edward" is a bit ridiculous, people getting really into it and having t-shirts for it and everything, it is true that different things motivate different people but i've never seen so many people be so obsessed over such a dumb series! It's almost like Harry Potter. I will not lie.. I have seen every movie, yes. Only because I saw the first one and was SO curious to see how it would all turn out in the end. I was never crazy into it like those physco fan girls, I was just the anticipation of wanting to know what would happen next. At then end of that last movie Bella turned into a vampire which I thought was SO dumb because why would she want to be with EDWARD when she could be with TAYLOR LAUTNER! It doesn't seem to click with my why she would chose Edward over 'Jacob' so in my opinion, for Bella just being dumb and not opening her eyes and seeing that sexy guy right in front of her, I believe that, yes 'Buffy' the vampire slayer should have just jumped in and killed Bella. I've never read anything about him/her who ever 'Buffy' is? But because of Bella's poor choice in men I think that she should be punished.
Anthony Gaddy
Period 4
How Twilight should have ended.... I have never read or seen the twilight saga and I WILL NEVER WILL!!. Twilight is a chick flick and it happens to be SO SAPPY that why I will never see or read TWILIGHT. But I agree with the ending when Blade wiped out all of the Vampires and werewolves of Twilight because they don't need to live.
How Twilight should have ended? BE PREPARED TO READ A TWIHARD'S POINT OF VIEW.........
To be completley honest, Iam probably the ONLY TWIHEART (that is the correct term) Die Hard Fan there is. Ive read the books two times, last one in spanish and seen the movie's more than 100 times.Im not obssesed with the series I just happen to be fascinated and so interested about whats going to happen next. Stephenie Meyer's has helped me see my essays with more clarity. I really did not like some of the scenes that they put and did not put into the movies, it really bothered me because there was always something to say about EACH scene that wasnt correct. I do not know who this Blade vampire is but I honestly think if Blade was in it there wouldnt be a positive response.I dont want any other vampire from the past joining Twilight and to just kill the Cullen clan.I think it should stay the way it is, or else the Edward lovers would be devestated if he died because Bella is the only reason of his exsistance.We all know that in the end Bella and Edward will be in love for eternity and nothing or no one can stop them there love is UNSTOPPBALE,they would find a way to be back together, they could not live a day without eachother. So if it werent for their strong love they had for eachother they wouldnt have caused all this drama : wolf against the vampire battles or Volturie fighting with the Cullens, or New Born vampires fighting with the Cullens, or Victoria wanting to take Bella's soul away and so Edward can feel the pain she felt when Edward tore James to pieces. Its unfortunate that the Sage did not meet up with my expectation. The down fall of making this Saga come alive in a film is that so many grate parts of the novel are eliminated because of the time they had given did not fit everything you imagined it to be.I did happend to have some ideas that I would want to incorparate into the movies but it would change the dynamics of the story.I think Bella should have stayed with Jacob instead of going to Italy to stop Edward from making a scene to the humans. Bella and Jacob's friendship is so close, that they could never loose eachother, Bella will NOT admit the fact that she LOVES him.Oh and yeah Im Team Jacob obviously. Anyways I dont think Blade should enter the Twitlight series. Sorry for the LENGTH of this Blog. I LOVE TWILIGHT & IM PROUD TO ADMIT IT!
I read books but I learned threw the eyes of the author about true love and many times I could visualize the power of love that Bella and Edward shared.
Manisha Dail
Period 4
How Twilight Should Have Ended...
I think that if Twilight would have ended this way it wouldn't truly have ended. Them Hollywood movie makers would have made four more movies upon their death, because someone probably got shot by a crazy mentally deranged fan girl driven by insomnia. If it did just simply end this way that would be great because then the mentally deranged fan girls would move on to more IMPORTANT things in their lives, and not dream about guys that are fictional and don't really exist. I guess they don't watch E News (is that a celebrity gossip channel?) and see the actors for what they really are, and that is basically little sad depressed drugees. If the story was actually real then Blade would come and most definitively kill all the sparkly vampires, and the only one who would be upset about all this would be werewolf, Jacob, who is madly in love with Bella. To me personally Bella seems like a real downer, she seems always depressed and I don't know how someone would be so compelled to like her so much. After her death in particular, he would be howling up a storm or whatever it is that werewolf's do when they are sad. He would literally jump off a cliff, but the only problem with that is that he actually does that in the movie, for fun. Him and his buddies jump off cliffs like its nobodies business. I also confess to reading all the books and watching all the movies and maybe even owning a few opinionated clothing articles. All in all my whole opinion on this is that you can read the books and watch the movies with great interest and finish strong by saying "well that was a great waste of my time, I would rather read my history text book than this garbage." I think you are either a lover of twilight or simply a hater and you hate derives from the fan girls who simply don't know whats real and whats not.
How twilight should have ended .....
I LOVE TWILIGHT!!!!!!!! JACOB IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IN IT WHO EVER DISIS TWIGHT IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!. Any way it should have end the way it was made nothing else blade is really stupid person who ever though of it was high and drunk.this story is about true love and people no madder what they both will go to great leagths to be togather no mater how far or long they are apart. That is the way it was created and that is the way it should end. So let it be said so let it be written. TWILIGHT RULES!!!!!!!! NOTHING CAN COMPARE. JACOB HAS AND 8 PACK OHH AND KYLE YOU ARE EDWARD CULLEN DEAL WITH IT.
And why is Kyle Edward Cullen? That just seems a bit creepy to me, considering that would mean we go to school with a vampire. That would be sooooooo creepy and I would not ever talk to a vampire or be friends if I knew they were vampires! (or werewolves for that matter). I also think that Team Edward/Team Jacob is stupid because from what I've heard, the whole movie is stupid so why make a one-up thing where it pits insane fans against insane haters?! (But Talyor Lautener is seriously super attractive and if the "love triange thingy" was based on looks, I would go for Jacob!
mPersonally this is a legitimate way for twilight to end because twilight is pretty lame and it would be epic to see Blade conclude the twilight series on a grissly note rather than the typical happy ending. This ending would teach people that happy ending dont always and you must face the consequences of your decisions. This ending would paint a clear picture that marrying a vampire is bad idea. Since less girls will be dating vampires their will be more blood donations to blood source because their boyfriends wont be constantly wanting to suck their blood and girls will not feel the need to allow their blood to sucked in order to keep their boyfriend. The more blood donations their are the more lives are saved. This ending must happen or else people will die from blood loss.
I think that is the best way the story should have ended because the war wolfs and vampires would never had to fight over bella, none of the other characters would have died, it would have been much funnier ending also.
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